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Time Division Sub-carrier Semiconductor DFB Laser Multi-wavelength Locker

Thyroglossal cyst in radix linguae: with a report of cases 发生于舌根的甲状腺舌管囊肿(附例报告)
Tibetan Phoneme Phonics and Language Transfer 藏文音素拼读法与语言迁移
Ticker BST film can obtain larger phase shift, but the insert loss is higher too. The dielectric properties of BST thin films are also important factors which affect the performance of the phase shifter. 增加BST薄膜的厚度可以提高移相度,但损耗也随着增加了:BST薄膜的介电性能是影响移相器性能的重要因素,适当降低BST薄膜的介电常数,减小损耗正切角tgδ,提高介电协调率是提高移相器性能的主要途径;
Tightly seize the historical chances;broaden the way of thinking for the development of the coatings industry 紧紧把握历史机遇 拓宽涂料发展思路
Tilling in Rice Breeding TILLING在水稻育种中的应用前景
Time Division Sub-carrier Semiconductor DFB Laser Multi-wavelength Locker 时分副载波半导体DFB激光多路波长锁定器
Time optimization in the intermittent handing 间歇过滤操作时间优化
Timespace & Secter Analysis on Industry Competitiveness and Industry Development in Xinjiang 新疆工业竞争力的时空、行业分析与工业发展
Timing performance of the anode and various dynodes of PMT(R9) of fine mesh type 细网型倍增管R9的阳极和倍增极的时间特性
Tinea corporis and cruris treated with terbinafin cream 疗霉舒霜治疗体股癣的疗效观察
Tissue Culture and Rapid Propogation of Pleione albiflora 白花独蒜兰的组织培养和快速繁殖

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