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And if America does not act, Europe will undoubtedly, at some point, give up on greenery.

And i fell out of bed, hurting my head from things that i'd said. 然后我从床上跌下,我说过的话都让自己头痛。
And i find FaLun Gong is saying True, Good, Endure, but changed to True, Good, Beautifulwhen publicize to others for convenient, hehe, they know Endureis not a good moral character too, i don't like Endurethis spiritual state, endure is ask you to hide yo 再就是发现法轮功说的是真善忍,可对外宣传时为了方便改成了真善美,呵呵,他们也知道忍并不是一种好的品性,我不喜欢忍这种精神状态,忍实际上是要你把报复心藏到内心最深处,挺卑鄙的。
And i make a solemn oath to myself that nothing will retard my new life\'s growth . 我郑重地发誓,绝不让任何事情妨碍我新生命的成长。
And if 18-year-olds don't like having to wait til they're 21 to gamble, they can vote to change the law. 如果年满18岁的人不愿意等到21岁才能玩游戏,他们可以通过投票表决来改变法律。
And if 2009 sees the inauguration of a greener president, he or she will now have the power to dictate stricter fuel efficiency, in the form of lower CO2 emissions, without reference to Congress. 如果2009年宣誓就职的总统更为注重环保,他或她现在就有权力要求制定更为严厉的燃料效率政策,表现形式可以为降低二氧化碳排放量,而不必再看国会的脸色行事。
And if America does not act, Europe will undoubtedly, at some point, give up on greenery. 并且如果美国不行动,欧洲将毫无疑问地在某一时刻放弃其绿色主张。
And if America is to be a great nation this must become true. So let freedom ring from the prodigious hilltops of New Hampshire. 如果说美国是一个伟大的国家,这必须要成真。因此,让自由的声音从新罕布什尔州巨大的山巅响起吧。
And if Americans were not prepared for a storm that announced itself ahead of time, what if a major act of terror occurred with no public warning? 我们要问,如果事先有预告的天灾都无法应付,一但发生了一个大的恐怖袭击,那情形会是怎样。
And if Beijing's belligerence continues, Americans should vote with their pocketbooks and buy products made in other countries. 如果北京的好战性继续下去的话,美国就应该对他们的钱包和购买中国制造的产品进行投票了。
And if Bryant's number is one day retired by the Lakers, almost a sure bet, which number would he like to see hanging in Staples Center? 如果科比的球衣在湖人退役——这几乎是肯定的事——他希望看到哪一个号码悬挂在斯泰普斯球馆上空呢?
And if China becomes the most important space power after the U.S., an entirely new “space race” may be in the offing. 如果中国真成为仅次于美国的太空强权,一个全新的太空竞争也许已经不远。

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