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Health Benefits of Almonds

He values his friends,cares for his people,but is cunning at the same time. 他重义、爱民,但心存诡诈;
He was called the greatest novelist by some reviewers, was upbraided as the out and out racist. 他被有些评论家称为最伟大的小说家,又被人斥为彻头彻尾的种族主义者。
He was elected as the mayor of Tokyo for twice with the highest votes in 999 and 00 . Ishiharashintarou is famous for his“toughness”and puts the extreme political proposition into operation. 999年、00 年两度以最高票数当选东京都知事。
Head strongly impressed behind ocelli. Abdomen reaching about to apex of hind femurSkiapus Mandibles overlapping at apex. 编制了这属的分种检索表。
Healon used as eye wash in lacrimal passages flushing. 透明质酸钠在泪道探通术中的应用
Health Benefits of Almonds 杏仁健康价值受推崇
Heat Treatment of Composite Materials by Hardfacing on Failed Cold Forming Rolls 废旧冷轧辊堆焊后复合材料热处理
Heat source model is the shoe pinches of the temperature field numerical simulation for laser beam penetration welding. 热源模型是激光深熔焊温度场数值模拟分析的关键。
Hedonic price theory has some advantages, and is a practical method to research urban housing price. 特征价格理论在研究城市商品住宅价格上具有一定的优势,它是目前我国研究城市商品住宅价格的实用方法。
Hedyotis Diffusa Willd. 白花蛇舌草(Hedyotis diffusa Willd.)
Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle in Nonlinear ElectroStrong Interaction at S=—800 GeV 非线性电-强相互作用中的海森堡测不准关系(S=~800GeV)(英文)

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