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The federal government allocated millions of dollars for cancer research.

The federal court system consists of a series of trial courts (district courts) serving relatively small geographic regions, circuit courts of appeal that hear appeals from many district courts in a particular geographic region and the Supreme Court of th 联邦法院体系则包括:一系列面向相对较小的地区的初审法院(称为地方法院),巡回法院——审理来自众多位于特定地区的地方法院的上诉案件,和联邦最高法院。
The federal deficit has reached a new high because of the war in Iraq. 美国财政赤字由于伊拉克战争已经创下新高。
The federal funds rate influences many other interest rates in the economy. 联邦基金利率影响美国经济的很多其他利率。
The federal funds were a real shot in the arm far the small farming community. 对于这个小小的农业村庄来说,这一笔联邦政府的资金确实是一大鼓舞。
The federal government actually taxes us on gasoline not once, but twice. 事实上,联邦政府在我们身上抽汽油税不是一次,而是两次。
The federal government allocated millions of dollars for cancer research. 联邦政府拨款上百万美元用于癌症研究。
The federal government essentially took the land. 梅蒂斯人被迫向西,但并非没有抵抗。
The federal government had promised to send a six-year-old elephant, named Veda, to join the only male elephant in Armenia's zoo. 联邦政府曾承诺要将一只六岁大、名叫葳达的象,送给亚美尼亚动物园,和那里唯一的一只公象作伴。
The federal government has run a surplus in nine of the past 10 years. 在过去10年中,澳大利亚联邦政府有9年出现财政盈余。
The federal government in Australia helps fund major ballet, opera, and theater companies, as well as symphony orchestras and the motion picture industry. 澳大利亚联邦政府还提供资金给主要的芭蕾舞团、歌剧院、戏剧院以及交响乐团和电影业。
The federal government is working to bolster the nation's readiness for an agroterror attack—and some of their assessments suggest significant vulnerabilities that critics say are not getting enough attention. 美国联邦政府正著手补强全美对农业恐怖攻击的应变能力,而在某些评估所提出的重大安全漏洞,正是评论家认为向来不太被当一回事之处。

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