Up through the ascent to 3000, initiates retain a 7 Chakra System.
直到3000股的提升之前,提升者将保持在7脉轮的系统之中。 |
Up till now foreign ownership was discouraged by the government's ambivalence even though not specifically banned.
目前虽然无禁止外国投资,毋恪政府规範无明确,所以加减有一寡困扰。 |
Up till now the inner man has identified himself with his forms and with their active modifications.
以此自我内在的形式认同于现行的转变。 |
Up till now, are you regretting for missing the SOA fencing course (Spring 2006)?
看到这儿,是否因为错过了SOA春季所举办的剑击课程而懊悔不已? |
Up till now, would you describe yourself as a bad woman or a good woman?
到现在,你会形容自己是一个好女人还是坏女人? |
Up to 100 monitor chips may be employed in a design. Chip material and angle of incidence may be separately specified for each individual chip.
一个设计中可监视上到100个芯片.芯片材料和入射角可个别指定. |
Up to 100,000 people gathered in downtown Chongqing, China, on Sunday to do battle with giant inflatable hammers as part of the city's Christmas celebrations.
这个周日上10万人聚集在中国重庆的商业中心区,用充气锤互殴来庆祝圣诞节。 |
Up to 12 officers can operate out of the bus, which will be sent into crime-ridden areas.
这部车将被送往犯罪频繁的地区,有多达十二名警官可以在车里执勤。 |
Up to 128 instructions can be encoded in a single vertex shader.
指令的序列为128个操作长度。 |
Up to 150 tons of meteorite fragments slam into Earth every year. As far as is known, only seven people have been struck by such rocks from space.
每年有多达150吨的陨石碎片袭击地球,可是迄今为止已知只有7个人被这种来自太空的石头打中。 |
Up to 1697 years, also conquer Mexico of more than 170 years rear, it just has Jesus style priest arrival peninsula.
直到1697年,也就是征服墨西哥的170多年后,才有耶稣派教士到达半岛上。 |