Yet his account remains disappointingly focused from Christendom[4] outwards.
然而令人失望的是,他依旧站在基督教的角度来记述历史。 |
Yet his first two books, “Arabian Sands”, about his crossing of the Empty Quarter, and “The Marsh Arabs”, about southern Iraq, have a ★terse[5] brilliance about them.
不过,他的头两本著作,一本叙述横穿阿拉伯半岛南部沙漠“空白之地”的《阿拉伯沙地》和另一本描写南伊拉克的《沼地阿拉伯人》,简洁明了地记录了他光辉的旅程。 |
Yet his heart was unyielding and he would not let the people go.
法老的心却是固执,不容百姓去。 |
Yet his lecturing style is ordinarily so deadly dull that even giant wars become monotonous in his hands, and students are so disengaged that asking a question in class is an event. (Even Hermione has only once spoken up in class to ask a question.
然而,由于他的讲课方式太过普通,以至于像巨人战争这样的事也能被他描述得平淡无奇、死气沉沉,学生们在课上无所事事、昏昏欲睡,就连举手发言也被看作是一件大事(甚至连赫民这样的学生在他的课上也只问过一个问题)。 |
Yet his meat in his bowels is turned, it is the gall of asps within him.
14他的食物在肚里却要化为酸,在他里面成为虺蛇的恶毒。 |
Yet his purpose is achieved in our duty, and our duty is fulfilled in service to one another.
但是,只要我们尽心尽职就能实现这一目标,而服务他人就是让我们每个人尽心尽职。 |
Yet his readings check with everything about them that is known to be authentic.
而他的解读材料与所有这些神秘宗教是一致的。 |
Yet historians have documented the murderous path that Chiang Kai-shek led in his efforts to win, then keep, and ultimately lose power.
但是历史学家们纪录了蒋介石以残杀手腕,赢取,保有,最终失去权力的过程。 |
Yet how superficial is our knowledge of God's greatness.
但是,我们对神的伟大的认识,是何等的肤浅呢! |
Yet how to deal with the employment issue, the government went through a non-interventionto regard it as a basic priority of economic and social development objectives of the evolutionary process.
近百年来,如何对待就业问题,各国政府经历了一个从“不干预”到把它作为经济社会发展的基本优先目标的演变过程。 |
Yet humanists' emphasis on the values centering on human beings and appreciating the development of mankind as long as their liberty and dignity is rather approved than denied by scholastic theories.
因此本文的目的即是要指出人文主义者所以反形上学、反宗教乃是由于对士林哲学的不理解所致。 |