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Normally, 1kg (Net weight) silk quilt needs 5,000 cocoons and 1.5kg needs 8,000 cocoons.

Normally we charge customer for the sample cost. But this time we will consider Free of Charge samples as the quantity you need is small. 我们的样品送付通常要收费,但鉴于你的数量较少,我们也可考虑免费。
Normally when keratinocytes are exposed to thesun's rays, they produce a hormone that leads to the manufacture of askin-bronzing pigment. 在通常情况下,当角质化细胞暴露在太阳射线下的时候,它们产生能够制造青铜色的皮肤的荷尔蒙。
Normally you are expose to various experiences and expected to do a great many thing without much help or guidance. 通常的在没有多少帮助和指导时,你要被暴露与各种场合还要被料想着做很多事情。
Normally you lose matches to wake up. 正常来说我们应该输掉这场比赛,然后觉醒。
Normally you will get this error message if your XML document contains foreigncharacters, and the file was saved with a single-byte encoding editor like Notepad, and no encoding attribute was specified. 通常情况下,如果你的XML的文档包含外文字符,或者,文件是使用类似于记事本这样的单字节编辑器来保存的,再或者,编码属性没有被指定,那么,你就会收到这个错误信息。
Normally, 1kg (Net weight) silk quilt needs 5,000 cocoons and 1.5kg needs 8,000 cocoons. 在一般情况下,1千克净重的丝绸被子需要5,000个茧而1.5千克的则需要8,000个茧。
Normally, I would have killed you both outright. 通常的,我会让你们俩毫无痛苦的死去。
Normally, a fire service prides itself in responding rapidly to calls for help. A downed aircraft is a very large call for help. 通常,消防服务是以其快速响应救援而引以自豪的。一架坠落的飞机确实是一项相当大的救援任务。
Normally, banks charge service fees for handling credit card sales. 通常,银行会收处理信用卡消费的服务费用。
Normally, climbers take about a week to get from base camp at 17,550 feet to the summit. 正常情况下,登山者从位于17,550英尺(约5349米)的大本营到登顶需要一个星期左右的时间。
Normally, combining of the materials serves to rectify weaknesses possessed by each constituent when it exists alone. 一般情况下,多种材料之间的组合可以消除和弥补单一材料固有的缺陷。

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