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A drain line should be attached to the relief valve to channel any potential discharge to a safe place of disposal.

A draft of part of the panel's fourth report, which the US Government has released on the Internet, shows that it has, for the first time, placed a likely figure on the progress of global warming, indicating a degree of scientific certainly that it has av 该工作组的第四次报告的部分草案,由美国政府发表在互联网上,显示出这份报告首次在全球变暖的过程中,给出了估计的数值,体现了某种程度上科学的精确性,而这是该工作组过去所回避的。
A draft or bill of exchange is an unconditional order in writing signed by one party (drawer) requesting a second party (drawee/payer) to make payment in lawful money immediately or at a determined future time to a third party (payee). 汇票或是兑换支票是由第一方无书写限制开出来,要求第二方(转手者/付款人)在限期内马上对第三方(收款人)兑现支付法定货币。
A dragonfly came to bid us farewell. 最后一位看到的朋友,是这个蜻蜓。
A dragonfly has a life spen of 24 hours. 蜻蜓的寿命只有24小时。
A drain line and air gap (see literature ES-AG/EL/TC) should be piped from the relief valve connection as shown, where evidence of discharge will be clearly visible and so that water damage will not occur. 排泄管和气隙(或称气隙,请参阅样本ES-AG/EL/TC)应该根据图示从安全阀连接处接出管道,要使得排泄物清晰可见,以避免发生水破坏事故。
A drain line should be attached to the relief valve to channel any potential discharge to a safe place of disposal. 应该在安全阀上连接一个排放管道,以将任何潜在的排放引导到进行处置的安装位置。
A drainpipe that carries off wastes from a plumbing fixture, especially from a toilet. 一种从建筑内管道系统中的固定装置排出废物的排水管,尤其是从厕所排出的管子.
A drama, such as a play, film, or television program, characterized by exaggerated emotions, stereotypical characters, and interpersonal conflicts. 情节剧,通俗闹剧以夸张的感情、老套的角色及人物之间的冲突为特征的戏剧,如话剧、电影或电视节目
A drama/thriller, set in the South, about a young boy who longs to escape the misery of his childhood and the misunderstanding of his hometown. 剧情/惊悚,故事发生在南方,讲述了一个渴望逃避不幸的童年和不和的故的男孩的故事。
A dramatic display of political courage by the world's biggest economy and the traditional leader of the multilateral trading system could still jolt the round from apathy to action. 身为多边贸易体系的传统领导者,世界最强大的经济体可以展现政治魅力,将冷漠转化为行动。
A dramatic entertainment, usually performed by masked players representing mythological or allegorical figures, that was popular in England in the 16th and early 17th centuries. 假面剧:一种戏剧性娱乐,由代表神话或寓言中人物的佩戴面具者表演,该娱乐形式在16世纪和17世纪早期的英国很流行.

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