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Luncinda:Poor Tom.it's not so bad .When the pain goes away,can I sign your cast?

Lunch time! Happy hour! Sweet smile! 午餐时间到!又是一天快乐时!多灿烂的笑容!
Lunch: ¥10/p include: Chinese bread , sausage ,coke or sprit, pickle, some fruit. 中餐:10元/人包含:饼子,火腿肠,可乐或者雪碧,榨菜和一些水果。
Luncheon schedules should be explained and arrangements made for another employee to lunch with the new employee the first day. 第一天午餐时间表应事先告知并安排同事陪伴进餐。
Lunching with public relations people, office parties, socialising with your boss . . . 这伙人成天让人犯恶心,只是不停诉苦,不停抱怨。
Lunchtime is very short and quick in the United States. 在美国,午餐时间是短而快的。
Luncinda:Poor Tom.it's not so bad .When the pain goes away,can I sign your cast? 卢辛达:可怜的汤姆。没那么糟,等你不痛了,我可不可以在你的石膏上签名?
Luncinda:Tom, sweetheart,how are you feeling? 卢辛达:汤姆,亲爱的,觉得怎么样?
Luncinda:You broke your wrist and badly bruised your knee. 卢辛达:你的手腕摔断了,膝盖有严重瘀伤。
Lund had said that she must be out of her flat, and in the open air, for at least two hours every day. 但伦德医生认为她必须走出公寓,每天至少在室外呆上两个小时。
Lund says competitors all have their favourite throwing brand. People choose by size, by colour or by how it fits in the hand ... 伦德说,参赛选手都有自己喜爱的投掷手机品牌,“人们根据大小、颜色和握在手中的舒适度选择手机……有的人觉得重的手机扔得更远,有的人则喜欢扔轻的”。
Lund says competitors all have their favourite throwingbrand.People choose by size, by colour or by how it fits in thehand ...Some believe a heavy model will ensure a long throw, somewant alight one. 伦德说,参赛选手都有自己喜爱的投掷手机品牌,“人们根据大小、颜色和握在手中的舒适度选择手机……有的人觉得重的手机扔得更远,有的人则喜欢扔轻的”。

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