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How do facial surgery, reconstruction and enhancement affect how people think about themselves?

How do auto marketing executives make their models stand out in a market crowded with cars that often look the same, cost the same and have similar features? 市场营销经理怎样才能使自己的车子从式样相似、成本相似、特征相似的汽车市场中脱颖而出呢?
How do camera express emotion? 镜头语言是如何表达情感的?
How do cluster nodes communicate with one another? 集群中的节点和其他节点是如何通信的?
How do different animal families interact? 这些不同的动物家族间如何彼此互动影响?
How do esophageal detector devices work? 食道探测设备是如何工作的?
How do facial surgery, reconstruction and enhancement affect how people think about themselves? 颜面外科手术、颜面重建及美容如何影响人们对自己的观感?
How do feathers accomplish this? 这是怎麽办到的呢?
How do fish manage to live in the seas near Antarctica? 鱼怎样设法在南极洲附近的海域生活的呢?
How do fundraising efforts benefit clubs? 募款努力成果如何使扶轮社受惠?
How do good managers draw the line between harmless venting and disruptive pessimism, if such a line needs to be drawn? 优秀的管理者如何区分无害的情绪发泄和具有破坏性的悲观主义,如果需要划分这种界限的话?
How do hedge funds work? 比如对冲基金到底是怎么回事?

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