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Each of them consists of a three-phase asynchronous motor,an eddy-current coupling and a tachogenerator.

Each of the theaters has different movies. 每家电影院都上映不同的电影。
Each of the theaters usually has different movies. 每家电影院通常上映不同的电影。
Each of the three new traits fits the warlike nature of the expansion. 三个新特性中的每一种都对应于资料片的战争属性。
Each of them can be individually jacked up, allowing wedges to be added underneath. 他们每个都单独顶起,楔子加在下面。
Each of them carried his or her (=their) own lunch-box. (他们每人都带了他们自己的午餐盒。)
Each of them consists of a three-phase asynchronous motor,an eddy-current coupling and a tachogenerator. 是一种控制简单、具有测速负反馈系统的交流恒转矩无级调速电动机,能在较宽的转速范围内进行平滑的无级调速。
Each of them doesn't have a dictionary . 他们并非每人都有字典。
Each of them got a percentage of the profits. 他们每个人都得到一部分利润。
Each of them has an English-Chinese dictionary. 他们中的每个人都有一本英汉字典。
Each of them has an individual piece they need to work on to make this happen, for example, the plumber needs the plans on where to put the pipe, how much pipe he has, etc. 他们中的每一个人都有一份自己的工作需要做以使得房子可以完工,比如,水管工人需要对需要多少管道,如何铺设等等之类的事情做计划。
Each of them has his own duty. 他们各人有各人的义务。

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