Study indicates that the formation and evolution of the porosity are controlled by diagenesis.
研究表明:孔隙的形成和演化受成岩作用的控制。 |
Study is a serious thing You can't expect to cut corners.
学习时意见严肃的事情。你不能期望有捷径可走。 |
Study is business; business comes before recreation.
学习是正经事,正经事比娱乐重要。 |
Study is for a certain purpose instead of coping with exams!
学习不应是为了考试应付,考试是为了某个目的。 |
Study is hard,as well as sweet. When you have experienced its hardships over and again,and are beginning to enijoy its sweetness,a brilliant future is awaiting you!
学习是苦的,也是甜的,当你挨过一次次苦,开始感觉甜的时候,你就快看到光明的前程了。 |
Study is like a boat sailing against the current.Which do you want ,sink or swim?
学习犹如逆水行舟,不进则退。你是想进步,还是倒退? |
Study leader Dr Nick Cherbuin from the Australian National University concluded: These findings confirm our prediction of increasing efficiency of hemispheric interactions with increasing left-handedness.
领导这项研究的澳洲国立大学学者茄布恩博士总结道:「这些发现证实我们的预测正确无误,即惯用左手倾向越强,脑左右半边之间的互动就越有效率。」 |
Study leader and marine biologist Larry Hobbs heads the 8-day expeditions to places where gray whales converge by thousands to breed, give birth and nurture their young.
这个为期八天的探险之旅由海洋生物学家赖利.霍布斯带领,前往数以千计灰鲸群聚以繁殖与生养下一代之处。 |
Study limitations include insufficient power to detect a change in fungal ecology, short duration, and inability to detect shifts in candida species or the establishment of acquired resistance mutations.
研究的局限性包括:不足的效力来检测真菌的生态学变化,持续时间短、无法检测移入的念珠菌的类型或者建立耐药的变异菌株。 |
Study limitations included the practice of reiewing radiology reports, which may hae underestimated the true incidence of findings.
研究的局限性包括仅仅评估放射学报告,可能对偶然性发现对估计不足。 |
Study management for medical image is a major elemental job for every picture archiving and communication system (PACS).
摘要每一个影像储管系统都必须做好影像检查阶层的管理工作。 |