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As a result, CDC Atlanta had called for more definitive studies leading to this study in rural India.

As a result, a patient may be told at one point that he or she has mild disease, only to find out a year later that the liver is cirrhotic,he said. 这样看,”患者可能在某个程度上被告知仅仅有轻微中度疾病,但是一年后可能就发现肝脏硬化厉害,“他说到。
As a result, 4, 258 candidates run for 491 seats. 结果4,285位候选人竞选491个席位。
As a result, 50 per cent of the groundwater in cities is polluted. 结果,城市50%的地表水受到污染。
As a result, 53 years after Brown v Board of Education—in which the Supreme Court declared school segregation to be unconstitutional—the gulf between blacks' and whites' educational attainment remains glaringly wide. 结果,在“布朗诉教育委员会案”——即最高法院宣布学校种族隔离违宪——之后53年,黑人和白人的教育程度差距之大依然明显。
As a result, American foreign policy appears to be 90 percent military with a few economic and diplomatic add-ons. 其导致的结果,就是美国外交政策表现出来百分之九十的军事以及少量的经济和外交附加。
As a result, CDC Atlanta had called for more definitive studies leading to this study in rural India. 结果亚特兰大疾病防治中心要求进行更为确定的研究导致这项研究应用在印度农村。
As a result, China's trade with Africa has been registering a substantial growth in recent years. 以致近年来中国与非洲的贸易增长相当迅速。
As a result, English pedagogic theorists, teachers and researchers have carried out multitudes of studies, reflections, practices, and explorations on approaches and strategies of college students' English learning motivation. 所以,有关人员对英语教学理论、教学实践进行了大量大学生英语学习动机的反思、研究和实践探索。
As a result, I am feeling less quilty for not issueing my invitation earlier. 因此,我感到我做得有点不够意思,要是早一点对她发出邀请就好了。
As a result, I chose not to install the newer version 0.25 of Net::LDAP. 象这样的结果,我会选择不安装新的0.25版本。
As a result, I have to get some illegal products because they're much cheap, though it's unlawful. 结果我只能去买盗版了,虽然这不合法,但价钱要便宜很多。

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