From the viewpoint of literature research, the paper investigates the development of heart viscera-state theory, and studies the relationship between heart symptoms and syndromes by statistical methods such as frequencies, cluster analysis, and regression |
中文意思: 摘要从文献研究的角度,梳理心藏象理论、辨证论治理论的发展脉络;对历代有关心病证的症象,采用现代统计学的方法,应用计算机进行频数统计、聚类分析、回归分析等科学手段,探究心病证与症象的相关性,归纳心藏象辨证的规律。 |
From the viewpoint of advanced entities Monroe was in regular communication with, this first band reflected a mass of discordant, undirected thought radiation.
从高度发达的实体的观点看,门罗与他们保持经常的联络,这第一环带反射出“大量不和谐、杂乱的思想辐射”。 |
From the viewpoint of applied research this study analyzed, the aesthetic meaning of body beauty, beauty of movement, beauty of spirit in women's triple jump.
摘要从应用研究的角度出发,本文对女子三级跳远项目身体美、运动美与精神美的美学内涵进行分析讨论。 |
From the viewpoint of building an economical society, this paper proposes that a traditional open evaporation tank for expressway construction changes to a buried storage tank so as to make full use of rainwater for irrigation of roadside fields or plants
摘要从建设“节约型社会”的观点出发,提出将高速公路上传统的开敞式蒸发池设计模式改为地埋式蓄水窖,充分集蓄利用雨水资源,以灌溉道路两侧农田内的经济作物或路域内绿化植物。 |
From the viewpoint of earth water science, the branch of atmosphere water is short of.
从“地球的水科学”角度看,它也缺少“大气水”分支。 |
From the viewpoint of economics and technology, an inquiry is made into the principle of selection of the methanol production technologies.
并从经济技术角度出发,探讨了甲醇生产技术的选择原则。 |
From the viewpoint of literature research, the paper investigates the development of heart viscera-state theory, and studies the relationship between heart symptoms and syndromes by statistical methods such as frequencies, cluster analysis, and regression
摘要从文献研究的角度,梳理心藏象理论、辨证论治理论的发展脉络;对历代有关心病证的症象,采用现代统计学的方法,应用计算机进行频数统计、聚类分析、回归分析等科学手段,探究心病证与症象的相关性,归纳心藏象辨证的规律。 |
From the viewpoint of macro dynamic characteristics of freeway traffic flow, this paper classifies the freeway, gives a nonlinear macro dynamic traffic flow model of freeway using density and speed as state variables and then identifies the parameters by
摘要从高速公路交通流的宏观特性和动态特性出发,对高速公路进行了两级分段,以车流密度和车流速度作为状态变量,给出了高速公路非线性的宏观动态交通流模型,进而采用直接搜索法对模型中的参数进行了分段辨识,并给出了辨识实例。 |
From the viewpoint of modern political science, Royal Power possesses some characteristics of totalitarianism in its expression on such levels as political ideology and structure of political values.
从现代政治学的视角看,王权主义具有某种极权主义的特征,并且表现在政治价值结构和政治意识形态等各个层面。 |
From the viewpoint of social development, using the functionalism theory and economic knowledge and otherwise, the paper compares metropolises with small towns in the course of Chinese urbanization, and points out Chinese should preemptively develop metro
运用社会学结构功能理论,并综合运用经济学等其他相关学科的知识对两者加以比较,应以大城市发展优先为主旨,建立大中小城市和小城镇优势互补的格局,科学地推动我国的城市化进程。 |
From the viewpoints of historiography, methodology, and specific operation, this article discusses the background of introducing fieldwork method into the research of the history of science, its specific application, and significance and enlightenment of
摘要站在科学编史学的立场上,从方法论以及具体操作的层面上,探讨田野工作方法进入科学史研究的背景,田野工作在科技史研究中的具体应用,以及这种新的工作方式的进入给科技史研究带来的意义和启示。 |
From the vision of cultural philosophy, harmonious legislation means such a process that an appropriately legal regulation is built on the basis of some social value concept relating to the idea of harmonious society, and different subjects of interests i
摘要在文化哲学视域,和谐立法即人们基于与和谐社会理念相联系的社会价值观,在促进不同利益主体有差异的立法诉求充分表达、良性互动,整体上相互协调、良性过渡中产生良性法律规范的运行过程。 |