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He had arrived at the funky mall via a side entrance slightly after 5pm.

He had an irrational belief that everybody was his enemy. 他有个荒谬的信念,以为人人都是他的仇敌。
He had an itch to get away and explore. 他等不及要动身去探险。
He had an operation on his left eye. 他在战争中失去一只眼睛,而他现在有一只玻璃眼。
He had an uncontrollable mania for food, drinking water freely with the meals. 他对食物有无法控制的喜好,用膳时喝很多水。
He had apparently escaped by bribing a guard. 他看来是贿赂了守卫而逃跑的.
He had arrived at the funky mall via a side entrance slightly after 5pm. 他是在下午5点后经由一个小门进入了这家商场。
He had as many books as I. 他和我有同样多的书。
He had assorted assumptions for the boy's future. 他对这个男孩的将来有着各式各样的设想。
He had at that time no notion of trying to rise in the world. 那时他还没有要在这个世道上向上爬的念头。
He had bacon and eggs for breakfast. 他早餐吃了咸肉和鸡蛋。
He had barely enough money to buy food. 他仅有刚够买食物的钱。

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