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Alexander Rodchenko, a designer smitten with modern industry, created this Production Shirt and Trousersin 1922. Charles Sheeler's 1932 photomural Industryhangs behind the suit.

Alexander Kerner: [voiceover] My mother outlived the GDR by three days. 亚历山大·肯纳:(画外音)我的母亲比德意志民主共和国多活了三天。
Alexander Likhotal says the campaign will officially kick off next Tuesday. 利山大·利霍塔尔说这个运动将在下星期二正式启动。
Alexander Mackenzie reaches the Pacific Ocean becoming the first Euro-American to complete a transcontinental crossing north of Mexico. 1793年的今天,亚历山大·麦肯兹到达太平洋从而成为首个完成跨越北墨西哥大陆的欧裔美国人。
Alexander McQueen was another designer that has jumped on the black bandwagon. 亚历山大?麦克奎恩是另一位跟进黑色风潮的设计师。
Alexander PJ. Arginine deficiency in bile duct-ligated rats after surgery the role of plasma arginase and gut endotoxin restriction[J]. Gastroenterology,1997,113:1375. 徐德征.梗阻性黄疸肾脏病理及超微病理改变及其与氧自由基的关系[J].肝胆外科杂志,1997,9(3):105.
Alexander Rodchenko, a designer smitten with modern industry, created this Production Shirt and Trousersin 1922. Charles Sheeler's 1932 photomural Industryhangs behind the suit. 设计师亚历山大·罗德琴柯对现代工业很着迷,这是他1922年设计的作品“工作服”。背景墙悬挂的是摄影家查尔斯·希勒于1932年拍摄的照片《工业》。
Alexander is in a hurry to catch his train; he's late. 亚历山大赶忙去搭火车,因为他迟到了。
Alexander pushed his conquests still farther east. 亚历山大将他所征服的地区扩展到更远的东方。
Alexander the Great became king of Macedonia at the age of twenty. 亚历山大是个举世闻名的统治者。
Alexander the Great invaded India with a large army. 亚历山大大帝曾率领大军入侵印度.
Alexander the Macedonian and his groom by death were brought to the same state; for either they were received among the same seminal principles of the universe, or they were alike dispersed among the atoms. 马其顿的亚历山大的死和其马夫的死没有什么差别,因为他们都遵循宇宙的繁殖原理而降生,都同样分解为原子。

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