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PPP uses Link Control Protocol (LCP) to negotiate and setup control options on the WAN data link.

PP-R, PE and pieces, steel tubes processing and marketing; Retail : Hardware, paying electricity, water proofing building materials, labor insurance supplies, plastic products. PE管件、管材加工、销售;零售:五金、交电、防水建材、劳保用品、塑料制品。
PP: The game will be tougher. As with any expansion pack, the game has to start at a level close to where the previous one left off. 游戏会更难进行,任何一款资料片都应从原来游戏相近的水平来着手。
PP: There were many things that were well liked by the community and the reviewers alike, but if I had to pick three I would say less-lethal weapons, five-player cooperative multiplayer, and the easy-to-use interface. 和评论者相同有很多东西玩家们都很喜欢,如果只选三样说的话就是非致命的武器,5人合作的多人游戏模式,简易操作的界面。
PP: Yes, players will need their own microphone, but that's it. 是的,玩家需要自己的麦克风,就是那样。
PPC Search Engine affiliate program integration: 复印机搜索引擎从属程序整合:
PPP uses Link Control Protocol (LCP) to negotiate and setup control options on the WAN data link. 在广域网路资料连结上,点对点协定使用连结控制协定(LCP)沟通与建立的控制选项。
PPPOE_USER='anonymous' # provider user id -> set yours! 的#供应商用户标志->设置你的!
PPS I must have been in a daze when I left New York. 再附记: 我离开纽约的时候一定是昏了头.
PPS covers, plastic pipes pieces, plastic products manufacturing sales; Control of the watercourse, fittings wholesale, retail. PPS井盖、塑料管件、塑料制品制造销售;水道管件、洁具批发、零售。
PR330 we can hold 45 minutes, alternate HKG, request HKG weather. PR330我们能等待45分钟,备降场香港。请问香港天气。
PR330, what is your holding fuel and alternate, in case of deversion? 万一改航,你的等待油量多少和备降场在什么地方?

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