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After divorce, the other party, on finding the above-mentioned acts, may file an action in a people's court, and make a request for another division of the couple's joint property.

After discussing the exploring research of the organic fluorinated polymeric materials, nanoparticle materials and biomimetic inorganic materials having specific characteristics in stone conservation, it showed that they are the new potential protecting m 本文对有特殊性能的有机氟聚合物材料、纳米材料和仿生无机材料在石质文物保护中的探索研究进行了介绍,表明它们是很有潜力的新型石质文物保护材料。
After disenchantment, making an appeal to the value of the emancipation of human beings, Marx found the new idea about human rights, which shows the characteristics of Marxist. 祛魅之后,马克思诉诸“人类解放”这一价值旨趣,开创出彰显马克思主义特色的新人权观。
After disintegration of former Soviet Union, the existing situation and problems of exploitation, reformation &dispatching management of Russia Electric Power Industry are described in detail in this paper. 摘要阐述了俄罗斯电力工业的生産运营和体制改革与调度管理中所遇到的情况与问题;介绍了俄罗斯电力工业改革的最新进展。
After dismantling the toy.the kid has no idea how to reassemble it. 这个小孩把玩具拆开了,却不知道如何再组装起来。
After divorce, Mrs. A has been trying to piece her life back together. (离婚后,A太太设法恢复她的正常生活。)
After divorce, the other party, on finding the above-mentioned acts, may file an action in a people's court, and make a request for another division of the couple's joint property. 离婚后,另一方发现有上述行为的,可以向人民法院提起诉讼,请求再次分割夫妻共同财产。
After doing a lot of testing and validating by Italian experts and your engineers, we found out the main cause was that your company applied the wrong waved lines to the inverters when changing your supplier. 经过意大利专家和贵司的工程师大量的测试和验证,最后确定为贵司在更换供应商的时候,把带着问题的波浪型排线用在了变频器上,是造成此次事故的主要原因。
After doing odd jobs for a week, he got a permanent job. 做了一个星期的零工后,他找到了一份固定工作。
After doing relative experiments and analyzing the reason according to the practical statistical data, it is sure that the white point is water soluble material including caprolactam and low-molecular materials, and at the same time it is also find the re 通过相关的跟踪实验和统计分析,确定了白点是水溶性己内酰胺单体和低分子物,同时找到了产生这种白点切片的根本原因,给聚合装置提供了预防措施。
After donating several dogs to policemen, their usefulness as Police Dogs was demonstrated. 在上校向警方捐赠了几只德牧;警方试用后,德牧作为警犬的能力得到证实。
After downplaying the issue all season, expect Miami Heat coach Pat Riley to finally address point guard this summer. 整个赛季热火都没有重视组织后卫这个位置的问题,主教练莱利声明希望热火队可以在这个夏天引进组织后卫。

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