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A British inventor says he has cracked the age-old riddle of how to boil the perfect egg -- get rid of the water.

A Branch allows a workflow to go in two or more directions simultaneously. 一个分支容许一个工作流同时进入两个或更多的方向。
A Brit was just ahead of a German in the laboratory, but Germany had a jet flying 18 months earlier. 英国人只是在实验室领先于德国人,而德国拥有喷气式飞机比他们早上18个月。
A British Airways 777 en route to Tel Aviv diverted to Larnaca, Cyprus as a precaution. 事发后出于安全考虑,一架正飞往特拉维夫的英国航空公司波音777客机改道飞向塞埔路斯的拉那卡。
A British agent who saved thousands of Jews from the Nazis is being remembered with a plaque being placed outside the British embassy in Berlin. 一位英国间谍曾经从纳粹营中救出了数千名犹太人,日前,在英国驻柏林大使馆外竖起一块牌子来纪念这位英雄人物。
A British businessman who can speak a foreign language is still something of a novelty. 能说某种外国语的英国商人仍可算是新奇人物.
A British inventor says he has cracked the age-old riddle of how to boil the perfect egg -- get rid of the water. 一位名叫西蒙·莱姆斯的英国发明家近日表示,他已经成功破解了该难题。答案其实很简单,那就是在煮鸡蛋时根本就不用水。
A British laboratory confirmed the test results. 英国一家实验室证实了化验结果。
A British made radio-controlled vibrator has been banned in Cyprus after it was branded a threat to national security. 由于振动频率威胁了国防安全,因此日前英国生产的一款成人玩具——女性振荡器被禁止在塞浦路斯出售。
A British man has claimed to be the first person to have been curedof HIV, according to British newspaper reports. But an Australian expert said the claim was baseless. 根据该报纸的报道,一个英国男子宣称已经清除(治愈)其体内的HIV病毒。但是澳大利亚的专家表示这种断言是没有依据的。
A British man is heading underground behind blast proof doors and 10-foot-thick concrete in a bid to escape the stresses of a family Christmas. 一个英国人要躲进一个地下堡垒,这个堡垒装有防爆防化学毒气门,墙更是由10英尺的混凝土砌成。他不是要躲拉登的恐怖袭击,他躲的竟是圣诞节!
A British newspaper quotes Christopher Dell as saying the Mugabe government is reaching an end game, and said change could come within a matter of months or weeks. 一家英国报纸援引克里斯托夫.戴尔大使的话说,穆加贝政府即将完结,转变会在几个月甚至几个星期之内出现。

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