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It says that is the most land clear in one year, since modern de-mining efforts started in 1980.

It says tests showed that the amounts were very small, about six cornal kernels in ten thousand cornal kernels of rice. 试验表明这种未被批准的大米的数量非常少,在10000份谷粒中大约有六份这种大米。
It says tests showed that the amounts were very small, about six kernels in ten thousand kernels of rice. 检验显示数量很小,大约一万谷粒中含有6粒(约占谷粒总数的万分之六)。
It says that CSR would be a new strategy to combine mutual benefits of company and society, and it might become a brand new management philosophy. 企业社会责任则是寻求企业价值与社会价值的统一,而且将是一种革命性的管理思维创新。
It says that goldfish can only remember things for three seconds. 它上面写道金鱼只能记三秒的事情。
It says that is the most land clear in one year since modern demining efforts started in 1980. 报告指出这是自现代反地雷活动开展以来在一年之中清理数量最多的一次。
It says that is the most land clear in one year, since modern de-mining efforts started in 1980. 报告称这是自1980年现代反雷行动开始之后一年内清雷最多的一次.
It says that soaring oil and other commodities prices show the strains on the world's resource base because of demands from India and China. 报告指出,油价以及其他日用品价格飞涨表明印度与中国的需求造成资源基础处于紧张状态。
It says that temperatures could increase by between 2·C and 4.5·C when atmospheric carbon dioxide reaches double the pre-industrial level, but it declares 3·C to be the most likely valuefor such change. 该报告称,在大气层中二氧化碳的浓度达到前工业化级别的两倍时,温度可上升2到4.5摄氏度,但其指出,就这样的变化而言,上升3摄氏度是“最有可能的数值”。
It says that the board must remove its demands from the table or suffer further escalated job action. 工会说,委员会必须将他们对警方的要求条款拿掉,否则,警察的怠工行为会升级。
It says the European commision, United States and eight other major donors decreased their financing of mine action. 该组织称欧洲委员会,美国,以及其他8个主要赞助国减少了他们'地雷行动'的经济援助.
It says the agency will punish the company for its production failure, but adds no further details. 管理局说,将惩罚这家公司的生产失误,但是没有进一步说明细节。

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