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Austin's spirituality doesn't involve a belief in God ?

Auspicious signs are not a supersition, but a confirmation. 吉兆的出现不是迷信,而是肯定。
Ausralian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics – research agency providing economic policy analysis and forecasts to enhance the competitiveness of Australia's agriculture, mineral, energy , and forestry industries. 提供经济上的政策分析和预报,提高澳大利亚的农业,矿物,能源和林学工业的竞争农业和资源经济学研究代理机构。
Aussie goverment is stupid, they sent hardworking chinese to home, and stay lazy Malaysian here. 澳大利亚政府很蠢。他们把勤劳的中国人送回家,却留下懒惰的马来西亚人。
Austenitic Stainless Steel is a Ni-Cr-Mo stainless steel in the AISI Type 316 category. 在AISI类别316范畴中,奥氏不锈钢是一种镍-铬-钼不锈钢。
Austin wrote, often led Ibn Arabi, even while he was still young man in Seville, to spend long hours in the cemeteries communing with the spirits of the dead.(! 提到安达鲁西亚的那些学术泰斗,我们也舍不得忘记另外两颗曾经生活在它那自由而清新的土地上的学术明星:大哲学家伊本·卢世德(西方叫阿维罗伊)和苏菲大哲人伊本·阿拉比。
Austin's spirituality doesn't involve a belief in God ? 澳丝汀灵性不包括上帝信仰?
Australia accepts more than 12 thousand legal asylum seekers every year. 澳大利亚每年都要接受超过12000名合法的寻求庇护者。
Australia accepts more than 12,000 legal asylum seekers every year. 澳洲每年收留超过12000名的合法寻求庇护者。
Australia and China have a significant and mutually beneficial relationship built on mutual trust and an acknowledgement of the benefits that's close cooperation can bring to our two nations. 澳大利亚和中国在互相信任的基础上业已建立了重要和互惠的关系。
Australia and China recently held the fifth round of negotiations on a Free Trade Agreement (FTA). 澳大利亚和中国最近就自由贸易协定问题举行了第五轮磋商。
Australia and New Zealand are of the same continent. 澳大利亚和新西兰属同一洲。

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