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When I put them side by side to have one more look, I noticed that the handwritings on the notes were obviously different.

When I please, I will punish them; nations will be gathered against them to put them in bonds for their double sin. 10我必随意惩罚他们。他们为两样的罪所缠,列邦的民必聚集攻击他们。
When I pointed that he had spread rumour, he retorted No! No! 我指出他散布了谣言时,他反驳说:“没有那事!没有那事!”
When I pray, I must seek to know God aright. 当我祷告的时候,我必须寻求对神能有正确的认识。
When I presented a gift, they opened it right away and gave it lavish compliments. 我送上礼物时,美国人会马上打开,然后赞不绝口。
When I pull the trigger and your greasy head explodes. 轻轻扣响扳机,你的头颅就四溅横飞。
When I put them side by side to have one more look, I noticed that the handwritings on the notes were obviously different. 当我拿出来看的时候,我发现两张字条的字迹明显不一样。
When I rang, Jim had already left. 我打电话的时候,吉姆就已经离开了。
When I reached station, the train had gone. 我到车站时,火车已经开了。
When I reached the checkout girl I remarked, jokingly, that my money was all gone after I had paid for all the articles. 结账时我开玩笑地和售货员小姐说,付完款后我可是一分钱都不剩了。
When I read a book, I usually skip over the uninteresting part. 我看书时通常跳过没意思的部分。
When I read my Times these days I often find articles about the uses of atomic energy. 现在我看《泰唔士报》时,经常看到有关利用原子能的文章。

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