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I sat there watching as my coid saline tears rolled down my warm checks and rushed down into the stream of rain below me .

I sat on our scratchy brick stoop, dangling my legs off the edge, feeling more rootless than Ive ever felt. 我在砖面粗糙的门廊上坐下,双脚悬荡着,一种前所未有过得无根感涌上心头。
I sat on the floor, fingered the wood grain, and found a winding avenue through it. 我便坐在地上用手摸地板上的木纹,只见一条路线蜿蜒其中。
I sat opposite to him during the meal. 吃饭的时候我坐在他的对面。
I sat quietly staring at the apple. 我静静地坐在那里盯着苹果。
I sat there for a moment, smiling over Dad's words. Soon, Mom joined us, stuck her tired feet into the cool water and sighed, Oh-h, that feels good! 我在那儿坐了一会儿,微笑着品味爸爸的话。很快,妈妈也加入了我们,把她疲劳的双脚浸到凉凉的水中,感叹到:“噢,这感觉真好!”
I sat there watching as my coid saline tears rolled down my warm checks and rushed down into the stream of rain below me . 我坐在那里,呆呆的望着,任凭冰冷苦涩的眼泪淌过我滚烫的脸颊,跌落早我脚边雨水汇成的溪流里。
I sat twiddling my thumbs waiting for him to finish using the phone. 我坐著无聊地旋弄拇指, 等候他用完电话.
I sat until eleven, absorbed in a book. 我一直坐到十一点多钟,全神贯注的看书。
I sat up straight to stay vigilant. 我立刻坐直身保持警惕。
I sat watching housewives bustle in and out of the supermarket. 我坐着观看家庭主妇们匆匆地进出超级市场。
I satisfied my thirst with a glass of water. 我喝了一杯水解渴。

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