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In China, accountants rely on four fundamental accounting as-sumptions in recording business transactions: ?business entity concept, ?going concern concept, (D periodicity assumption, ?stable monetary unit assumption.

In China, The lamp-chimney damages of city road and courtyard are nationally social effects of pollution. 在中国,城市道路、庭院装饰灯罩的损坏已成为全国性公害。
In China, We develop the poject of physical culture in the purpose of popularizing sports and building people's body to defend all kinds of dieases such as SARS. 中国发展体育事业的目的是在人们中普及体育运动,增强他们的体质,预防诸如“非典型肺炎”等各种疾病。
In China, a conflict of interest is viewed as a competitive advantage. 在中国,利益冲突和权钱交易的定义就是:马无夜草不肥,人无横财不富。不捞白不捞。
In China, a great revolutionary mass movement for modernizing science and technology has developed rapidly and vigorously. 在我国,一场向科学技术现代化进军的伟大革命群众运动,正在迅猛兴起。
In China, a large developing country with a backward economy and culture, where our Party is leading the people in the modernization drive, a good solution to the problem of development has a direct bearing on the trend of popular sentiment and the succes 我们党在中国这样一个经济文化落后的发展中大国领导人民进行现代化建设,能不能解决好发展问题,直接关系人心向背、事业兴衰。
In China, accountants rely on four fundamental accounting as-sumptions in recording business transactions: ?business entity concept, ?going concern concept, (D periodicity assumption, ?stable monetary unit assumption. 在中国,会计人员在记录经济业务过程中要记录四个基本假设:会计一主体概念、持续经营概念、期间假设及货币稳定假设。
In China, administrative criminal law is made up of the legal norms that maintain normal administrative activity, realize the purpose of administration, prescribe administrative crimes and administrative criminal liability, as well as the legal norms of r 中国的行政刑法是指国家为了维护正常的行政管理活动,实现行政管理目的,规定行政犯罪及其刑事责任的法律规范和劳动教养法律规范的总称。
In China, an emerging high-tech venture. 在中国,高科技创业热潮正在兴起。
In China, calligraphy is an art. 旁白:在中国,书法是一门艺术。
In China, dragon and phoenix symbolism is associated closely with the imperial family -- the emperor (dragon) and the empress (phoenix). 在中国,龙凤长久以来一直是皇室的象征,龙代表了皇帝,而凤则代表了皇后。
In China, every urban family is restricted to only one child. 在中国,城市家庭只允许生一个孩子。

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