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To her surprise, she found no correlation between telomerase and longevity.

To her amazement it was 5 one hundred dollar bills! 我们一直开到家,妈妈在屋子前将那女人放在她手里的纸摊开。
To her delight, we rode it twice. 使她高兴的是,我们玩了两次。
To her expert eye, the painting was terrible. 她以内行的眼光看, 这幅画糟透了.
To her horror he said that she was two hours too soon. 搬运工说她早到了两个小时,她听后大吃一惊。
To her surprise, she found female cells (presumably from mother) in all four samples. 令她感到惊奇的是,在全部四个样本中均发现了母性细胞(假设是来自于母亲的)。
To her surprise, she found no correlation between telomerase and longevity. 她惊奇地发现,端粒酶与寿命并不存在相关性。
To her we entrust in particular the victims of these hours of war and their family members who are suffering. 我们特别把战争的牺牲者和他们受苦的家属托付给她。
To her, feng shui romance sounds charming and poetic(10). It could make a person happier and more receptive(11) to a relationship. 她认为风水浪漫听起来很迷人、富有诗意,可以让人更愉悦、更轻松地享受一段恋情。
To her, you see, the Dark Elves are the “correct” way that Elves should have developed, though most of the races of Norrath consider them a wicked perversion of High Elves. 对她而言,黑暗精灵才是精灵该被发展出来的”正确样貌”,虽然大部分诺瑞斯上的种族都认为黑暗精灵是邪恶版本的高等精灵。
To hide a fault with a lie is to replace a blot by a hole. 用谎言掩盖错误,等于挖一个洞除掉污渍。
To hide such a bad habit from one's family is pathetic. 试图向家人隐瞒这种坏习惯,真没出息。

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