The right to privacy, which is the basis for the Supre Court decisions allowing abortion and sodomy are based on this right, not listed in the Bill of Rights.
隐私权就基于此,最高法院因此权而裁定公民有权流产和同性性交,但并没列出。 |
The right to seek out and engage in consensual sexual ctivity.
享有寻求并参与相互同意的性活动的权利。 |
The right to self-defense is a natural right of countries, as well as all countries to respect other country's sovereignty and territorial general obligation exception.
自卫权是一个国家的自然权利,也是所有国家尊重其他国家领土主权的一般性义务的例外。 |
The right to sexual self-determination.
享有性自决权。 |
The right to take and hold or sell the property of a debtor as security or payment for a debt or duty.
留置权控制、持有或出卖债务人财产,作为债务或义务清偿保证的权利 |
The right to travel was one of the most enticing of the freedoms Iraqis looked forward to after the collapse of Saddam Hussein's regime.
萨达姆·侯赛因政权倒台后,获得(出境)旅游的权利成为伊拉克人最向往的自由之一。 |
The right to trial by jury is entrenched in our legal system.
由陪审团审判的权利被确立于我们的法律制度中。 |
The right to vote is a base civil right.
选举权是公民的一项基本权利。. |
The right to work and enjoy social security is fundamental and concerns the interest of the general public.
劳动和社会保障权利是公民的基本权利,关系广大公民的切身利益。 |
The right types and amounts of antioxidant nutrients acting as free radical scavengers are important for the body.
正确形式和数量的抗氧化剂营养素能扮演清除有害自由基的角色,对身体健康而言异常地重要。 |
The right ventricle and atrium are opened to reveal a pacemaker wire that extends to the apex to embed on the septum.
右心室、右心房剖开可见起搏器金属线,延伸并嵌入隔膜。 |