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But what would a weaver do if he needed bread, and the baker didn't need cloth?

But what we, as children, thought of as vacations were really opportunities for our dads to investigate the possibilities of how well the Amway opportunity might work away from home. 当时,我们两个小伙子还以为是度假,却原来家父是藉此探索在家乡以外的地方发展安利的机会和成效。
But what went ye out for to see? A man clothed in soft raiment? Behold, they which are gorgeously apparelled, and live delicately, are in kings' courts. 25你们出去到底是要看什么。要看穿细软衣服的人吗。那穿华丽衣服宴乐度日的人,是在王宫里。
But what went ye out for to see? A man clothed in soft raiment? behold, they that wear soft clothing are in kings' houses. 8你们出去,到底是要看什么,要看穿细软衣服的人吗,那穿细软衣服的人,是在王宫里。
But what went ye out for to see? A prophet? Yea, I say unto you, and much more than a prophet. 26你们出去究竟是要看什么。要看先知吗。我告诉你们,是的,他比先知大多了。
But what with the murky light, the botchy print, the tattered cover, the jigjagged page, the fumbling fingers, the fox trotting fleas, the lie a bed lice, the scum on his tongue, the drop in his eye, the lump in his throat, the drink in his pottle, the it 然而,花了一个月纳南塔蒂才偷偷赶到了前头,他每星期要记住比一个词更多的东西还是有困难的—光线不好、书的印刷很拙劣、封面破烂不堪、书页撕破了、笨拙的翻书手指、跳狐步舞的跳蚤、埋伏在床上的虱于、他舌头上的泡沫、时常带的几分醉意、嗓子眼哽住了、酒壶里的酒、发痒的手掌、呼味呼味呼吸时的痛苦、疲惫得坠入雾中的脑瓜、良心的抽搐,盛怒,肛门里喷出的气体、胃中的火、发痒的屁股、顶楼上的老鼠以及耳朵里的喧嚣声和尘土。
But what would a weaver do if he needed bread, and the baker didn't need cloth? 但是如果织工需要面包,而面包师却不需要衣料,那该如何是好呢?
But what would it be like if many foreigners, or laowaias they are nicknamed in Mandarin, got together and chatted in idiomatic Chinese, sometimes even with a pure Beijing dialect? 外国人,普通话里我们称他们为“老外”,如果他们聚在一起用汉语聊天,有时甚至用纯正的北京方言聊天时,这将会是什么样子呢?
But what's not working at Inter at the moment? 目前的国际米兰,哪一个方面还有所欠缺的?
But what's the result? Not fucking die, and the coroner's people lives very well. 但是结果呢?不该死的人死了,而该死的人活得好好的。
But whateer they decide tomorrow, a few key hurdles remain — namely, getting the state legislature to get behind the project and authorize $500 million in bonds. 但是不管明天他们怎样决定,仍存在一些关键的障碍---也就是说,获得州议会的支持并连带批准5亿美元。
But whatever doubts fans and critics may have had that U2 had gone mainstream, or had grown too confident, were erased with the release of 1991's Achtung Baby. U2是否已成为主流乐队,它是否过于自信,无论歌迷或评论家的疑惑如何,1991年《阿什堂宝贝》的发行令一切疑虑烟消云散。

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