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Full enclosure to allow gasket to retain positive radial support during loading.

Full democracy makes sense—but only if the role of the Lords changes. 只有转变角色,上院的全面民主化才有意义。
Full dentition fitting tightly to maintain strong chin. 为保持腭部的强壮,(牙齿)需要紧密咬合。
Full details will be sent on request. 有详细材料备索。
Full development of the Internet's potential to improve access to education and training, and to enhance the quality of learning, is central to the building of the European knowledge society. 构建欧洲知识经济社会的中心就是要全面挖掘互联在提升教育与培训服务和提高学习质量的潜能。
Full electronic control, high efficiency compressor, strong ice-making capacity. 全电子控制,高效压缩机,制冰量大。
Full enclosure to allow gasket to retain positive radial support during loading. 在负载期间,全封闭外科使得垫圈能够保持正轴向支撑。
Full flavored, velvet tannins enhance the long, sweet fruit finish. 丹宁柔和,突出了持久回味及甜润的果香。
Full front has the reciever lie on his back, drawing his knees up to his chest and over the shoulders of the giver. 前位式:他躺着面对你,你把他的腿蜷到他胸前,搭在自己肩膀上。
Full hair team and hair mechanics for those glossy hair shots. 有完整的发行设计队伍和工具,用以拍摄造型相片。
Full house at a Pest Control Seminar for professional officers held at the Hong Kong International Trade and Exhibition Centre. 在香港国际展贸中心举行的防治虫鼠研讨会吸引了不少专业人员,坐无虚席。
Full independence was achieved in 1960. 1960年获得了彻底独立。

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