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Cymbidium rigidum sp.nov., a new orchid from Yunnan, China
福兰 ,中国云南兰科一新种

Cyberspace and its Artistic Render 虚拟空间及其艺术渲染
Cyclic graph G=C_n<j_,j_,…,j_r>is culled A′da′m cyclic graph if, for every integer λ relatively prime to n. 若对任意的与n互素的整数λ,都有〈λj_,λj_r,…,λj_r〉=〈j_,j_,…,λ_r〉,则称循环图C_n〈j_,j_,…,j_r〉为A′da′m循环图。
Cyclobalanopsis glauca (Thunb.) 在广泛收集青冈(Cyclobalanopsis glauca(Thunb.)
Cyclodextrin (CD) is a kind of ring oligose. It is connected by α -, glucoside linkage with D- glucopyranose. 环状糊精(cyclodextrin,简称CD)是由D-吡喃葡萄糖基以α-,葡萄糖苷键连接成的环状低聚糖。
Cyclohexyl ( ′,′ di tert butyl ′ hydroxyphenyl) propionate was prepared by transesterifying methyl ( ′,′ di tert butyl ′ hydroxyphenyl) propionate(MDBHP) with cyclohexanol in the presence of organo tin as a catalyst. 以 ( ′ ,′二叔丁基 ′羟基苯基 )丙酸甲酯 (简称 ,甲酯 )与环己醇为原料 ,二丁基氧化锡为催化剂合成了 ( ′ ,′二叔丁基 ′羟基苯基 )丙酸环己酯酯。
Cymbidium rigidum sp.nov., a new orchid from Yunnan, China 福兰 ,中国云南兰科一新种
Cynthia Ozick is one of the outstanding American Jewish writers. 辛西娅·奥齐克是当代杰出的美国犹太女作家。
Cypher(Cordis) and Taxus(Boston Scientific) stents are the major product in the market. 目前上市的主要产品有Cypher(雷帕霉素洗脱支架,Cordis公司)和Taxus(紫杉醇洗脱支架,Boston Scientific公司)支架。
Cystadenomas of the pancreas and duodeno-preserving pancreatomy 保留十二指肠的胰头切除术治疗胰腺囊腺癌
Cytochrome P0 C9 gene polymorphism in Chinese Dulong populatoin 中国独龙族人群中细胞色素P0 C9基因多态性的研究
Cytogenetic and isoenzymic studies on Setaria millet and S.verticillata (X) and S.verticiformis (X) 谷子与轮生狗尾草(X、X)种间的亲缘关系分析

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