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Right now, we have a patchwork of protections, and it's not right that people could be subjected to discrimination in some parts of the country without any redress.

Right now in the league we can play it on the same level with everyone, even though Inter has something more in their squad. “目前为止,我们和其他球队处于同一水平,尽管国米比其他球队多了些什么。”
Right now the square is deserted. 目前,村子里一片荒凉。
Right now we are exclusively talking to Chelsea. 马上我们就要专门和切尔西谈判。
Right now, I'd probably just be on a vacation with my family,the All-Star center said. “现在,我本该和家人在一起度假,”这名全明星中锋说。
Right now, only a week from the election, the republicans and the democrats are running neck and neck and none of the experts can predict which party will win. 这句话的意思是:“现在离开选举只有一个星期了,但是,共和党和民主党在竞选方面仍然不分上下,没有一个专家能预测到底那个党会在竞选中获胜。”
Right now, we have a patchwork of protections, and it's not right that people could be subjected to discrimination in some parts of the country without any redress. 现在,我们有一些零星保护措施,可在某些地区人们受到歧视时却没有法律武器可用,这是不行的。
Right.Sr. Summers said. He made a note on the list he was holding. Then he asked, Watson boy drawing this year? “好的。”夏莫斯先生说。他在他拿着的名单上做了个记号。然后他说,“沃森小子今年要抽签吗?”
Right; but how do you know there's a sergeant there? 正确。可你如何知道那儿有一个中士?
Rise sharply the spareribcause of name,Because the weight of the seasoning is gradually the item add a,The connotation thatclimb step by step,Past take this as. “高升排骨”名称由来,因调味料的分量是逐项加一,有“步步高升”的涵义,故以此为名。
Road Pricing: Traffic Decongestant.The Economist. February 15, 2003. 道路收费与交通拥挤解决之道〉,《经济学人》,2003年2月15日。
Robben is injured,Mourinho said, referring to the knock on the winger's knee. He's here and he's flying home with us, not to Madrid. 但切尔西主教练称,这是由于罗本受伤。“他现在此然后和我们一起回家,而不是马德里。”

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