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Estabilsh to have down from the diagnosis function, help on time expel the breakdown.

Essien, Carvalho and Cole were in defence, Makelele played just ahead of them with Ballack, Lampard and Bridge completing the midfield. 埃辛、卡瓦略和科尔在后防线上,马克莱莱和巴拉克在他们前面,兰帕德和布里奇占据中场。
Essien, a quiet character away from the action, has decided to talk for the first time about the challenges in question and the difficulties in acclimatising to a new fast-paced football. 埃辛本人在场外是个性格喜静的人,这是他第一次决定谈论关于挑战性的问题,同时他也谈到了初来时在适应快捷奏足球方面遇到的困难。
Est-ce que toutes les informations sur vos formulaires de demande sont correctes? (所有被要求的表格上的信息都是正确的吗?)
Est-ce que vous ou un member de votre famille avez déjà été refuse pour un visa le Canada ou tout autre pays? 你或你的家庭成员曾经由于去加拿大或其他国家而被拒绝签证吗?
Est-ce que vous pouvez me dooner votre budget mensuel,si vous restez au Canada ? 如果你在加拿大,你能告诉我你每月的预算吗?
Estabilsh to have down from the diagnosis function, help on time expel the breakdown. 设有故障自诊断功能,帮助及时排除故障。
Establish &maintain dept. environmental management system. 建立及维护部门环境管理体系.
Establish Incoming inspection plan, improvement inspection tooling. 建立来料检验指引,改进检验工具.
Establish Your word to Your servant, As that which produces reverence for You. 诗119:38你向敬畏你的人所应许的话、求你向仆人坚定。
Establish a challenge or citation program to recognize top clubs and individuals for your year. 建立一个挑战或奖励计划来奖励您任期内表现最好的扶轮社和个人。
Establish a framework for assessing risk. 建立评估风险的框架。

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