Cog liable to mildew damage effect ins acidly.
货物可能会发霉,请予以投保。 |
Cogent Software has established cooperation with the Intelligent Information System Key Laboratory of Peking University, and with the predominance based on personnel and technology of Peking University, the company is committing itself to the research, de
公司与深圳北大智能信息系统重点实验室建立了长期的合作关系,依托基地与北大的人才和技术优势,致力于电子政务与企业信息化等领域项目的研究、开发和推广。 |
Cogent argument in favour of the proposal.
有利于该建议的很有说服力的论据。 |
Coghill's page has more examples of using imaging to study pain.
这个技术能用来研究其他的认知性功能。 |
Cogliostro encourages Spawn to fight the devil and reign as a true champion for humankind, while Clown prods Spawn to lead the Armageddon.
还阳后,西蒙化身「再生侠」,拥有不死身躯和超能力,并开始地狱使者的任务。 |
Cognac and Armagnac are fine brandies.
科尼亚克和阿马尼亚克是两种优质白兰地. |
Cognition &Technology Groupat Vanderbilt.(1992),Technology and the Design of Generative Learning Environment. In. T. M. Duffy &D. H. Jonassen (Eds).
毛新勇:《情境学习在课堂教学中的应用》,载《外国中小学教育》1998年第5期。 |
Cognitive Learning Strategies: e.g., repetition, translation, elaboration, inference.
认知学习策略:例如,反覆练习、翻译、联想已知概念、由已知来猜想。 |
Cognitive barriers that color clear judgment presented a major impediment to Bacon's goal.
不过,认知屏障却是通往培根目标的大障碍。 |
Cognitive context based on culture is the inner force of the processing of associative meaning.
基于文化的认知语境是联想意义产生的驱动力。 |
Cognitive context reflects the similarities and differences of the understanding of different cultural communities towards the world around them.
认知语境反映了不同文化群体对周围世界理解的同一性和差异性。 |