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Also there was the one scene where we went into the desert and stayed at the army base with all the soldiers in the bar, and the soldier comes up to me in the bar.

Also the size of the battlefield scales with the armies involved, so two small armies facing off meet on a smaller battlefield, in order to resolve the battles more quickly. 战场的大小会因参战部队的规模而不同。就是说,两支小部队战斗时战场就会相当小。这可是个很重要的信息。
Also the spatial color feeling all extremely intense and isunique. 且空间色彩感都十分强烈而独特。
Also the window should be able to stay minimized as an icon on the taskbar. 这个窗口也可以最小化为任务条上的图标。
Also there are those that ever make for those channels in the psychic and occult (we are speaking of, through which man - as it reached that stage, or that position that it became farther and farther from its natural sources, through the same CHARACTER of 曾经以精神和神秘事物导致了那些通道那些人同样如此(我们正在谈及到神秘事物,通过神秘事物人们-就像达到的那个阶段,或处于与它的自然的本源变得越来越远的那个位置上,通过同样的特性的通道它可以与特性部分或创造性的力量交流),而且因此作为“好精神”和“坏精神”这样的术语说法就引发产生了;因为有地球人类参与那些力量或肉体淫荡的力量存在,而不是精神或创造性的那些力量在起作用。
Also there is no difference in the rate of failure to thrive or delayed developmental milestones. 两组婴儿在生长方面如身高、体重、头围及发育迟缓方面也没有不同。
Also there was the one scene where we went into the desert and stayed at the army base with all the soldiers in the bar, and the soldier comes up to me in the bar. 有一个场景是我们都去了沙漠,呆在那里的军事基地的一个酒吧里,这时一个士兵朝我走过来。
Also they want to destroy the basement . 他们也想摧毁地下室。
Also they want to destroy the basement. 他们也想摧毁地下室。
Also thirty-six of the fifty states will elect governors. 此外,五十五个州中的二十六个州也将选举州长。
Also this improves braking capacity and prevent metal hot spot. 亦因此带来更高的制动效能和防止金属热斑产生。
Also this is a press of GSP series that count backward of most minimum deformation extent byθ. GSP系列压力机通过控制变形角θ,使变形量达到最小。

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