When the crests of the sound waves match up, their result is a louder sound, while if opposite crests match up, they cancel each other out.
当声波波峰碰上另一声波的波峰时,其结果是更大的声音(译注:振幅增大了,应该是叠加);而如果波峰碰上波谷,就抵消掉(译注:振幅一样的话)。 |
When the criminal suspect acknowledges that the record is free from error, he shall sign or affix his seal to it.
犯罪嫌疑人承认笔录没有错误后,应当签名或者盖章。 |
When the crocodile came up again, the monkey was all wet.
当鳄鱼再次升到水面上时,猴子全身都湿透了。 |
When the crowd grew too thick for Jay to take the escalator, he didn't give up on shopping to return to the hotel, he took the lift instead.
当人群越来越大,使杰伦不能正常地乘搭自动手扶电梯时,他并没有放弃购物返回酒店,而是改搭升降梯继续行程。 |
When the crowd has the audacity not to cheer for him, Kurt wonders aloud how anyone can boo an Olympic gold medalist.
当群众逐渐放肆地不再支持他时,安格要大声的质疑:怎能有人会对奥运金牌选手报以嘘声呢? |
When the cue came, though, the words seemed to reach me from far away.
在等待上场提示期间,我努力试图赶走这晕眩感(使自己清醒过来)。 |
When the cultural revolution was launched on May 16 1966, he was already interned as a condemned rightistin a reform-through-labour camp.
1966年5月16日文化大革命刚刚开始的时候,他已经就被打成右派接受劳动干校的改造。 |
When the curvature of spacetime is very large, however, the quantum aspects of gravity become significant.
但是如果时空的曲率很大,重力的量子效应就不可忽视。 |
When the cut is symmetrical, it can be drawn on the intermitting position of the view.
断面图形对称时,也可画在视图的中断处,如图所示。 |
When the cutting plane is passed through the axes of holes or hollows, those features must be drawn as sections.
当剖切平面通过回转面形成的孔或凹坑的轴线时,这些结构按剖视绘制,如图所示。 |
When the dance party was in full swing, music and songs swirled all around the ballroom.
舞会进行到高潮时,舞厅里一片乐曲和歌声。 |