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The only two flights since then have been test s of safe ty improvement s to the fuel tank, but carr ied no major part s for the research outpost .

The only time most women give their orate husband undivided attention is when the old boy mumbles in their sleep. 大多数女人对丈夫的说话最专心倾听的,就是老公在睡梦中咕哝的话。
The only time we're in a pure state of ego, I think, is when we're responding strictly reflexively to the moment. 我想,我们处于自我的纯粹状态的唯一时刻是瞬间彻底自发的反应。
The only time you're likely to be happy is when everything is working out just right. 你惟一的快乐时光便是一切都顺顺当当尽如人意。
The only true love is love at first sight;second sight dispels it. 真爱在于第一眼,第二眼就看不上眼了。
The only turly affluent are those who do not want more than they have. 那些不去奢望得到比他们所拥有的更多的人才是真正的富人。
The only two flights since then have been test s of safe ty improvement s to the fuel tank, but carr ied no major part s for the research outpost . 此后仅有的两次飞行也只是对燃料箱的安全性改进做了测试,并没有向研究前哨(空间站)运送任何主要部件。
The only two flights since then have been tests of safety improvements to the fuel tank, but carried no major parts for the research outpost. 后面仅有的两次发射都对油箱的安全改进进行了测验,然而都没占到研究的主要地位。
The only two flights since then have been tests safely improvements to the fuel tank, but carried no major parts for the research outpost. 从那以后,仅有的2次飞行是对改进的油箱安全的测试,并没有携带研究站的主要部件。
The only uncertainty for Lippi at this stage seems to be who he will select at right-back for tomorrow's test. 对里皮来说,唯一一个不确定因素是在明天的比赛中谁将占据右后卫的位置。
The only useful and effective measure is to stamp out the SARS as soon as possible. 唯一有用且有效的措施就是尽可能的消除非典。
The only waffle weave bath towels widely available in the U.S. currently are manufactured in Europe, and are more expensive than American-made towels. 目前在美国很多地方都买得到的华夫格织浴巾都是在欧洲生产的,比美国本地生产的浴巾昂贵。

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