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Since the opening of Guijiang 1st Bridge, the pillars have been moved to Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall.

Since the object to negate, deconstruct and undermine is heroism and real emotion, the tendency itself is ideological. 由于这种自甘堕落所诋毁、解构和颓溃的主要对象是英雄主义和真情实感,这一倾向本身就具有了意识形态的特征。
Since the oldest weapons are less than 50 years old, supporters of the new warhead have fallen back on warnings that other bomb components are also aging, and that the nuclear labs need the work to attract and train the best scientists. 尽管最老的武器年龄也不过50岁,但新弹头的鼓吹者们求助于“其他炸弹武器也在老化”的警告,以及“核试验室需要吸引和培养最顶尖的科学家”的警告。
Since the olive-branch offer from the democrats, both Tung Chee-hwa and Beijing have reacted swiftly and positively. 自从民主党提出和解,董建华和中央都迅速并正面响应。
Since the one in the Jianfu Temple is smaller than the Wild Goose Pagoda, it is often called the Small Wild Goose Pagoda. 因荐福寺塔比雁塔小,人们就将这座塔叫大雁塔,而将荐福寺塔改叫小雁塔了。
Since the open door and reform policy, Chongqing's macro-control has experienced four steps: plan control, double track control, comprehensive control and market control. 摘要改革开放以来,重庆宏观调控经历了计划调控主导、双轨制、综合调控和市场调控等四个阶段。
Since the opening of Guijiang 1st Bridge, the pillars have been moved to Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall. 桂江一桥建成后移至北山中山纪念堂门前两侧。
Since the opening of University Hospital, from Clinical academic teaching to the present, our medical services has been praised by the people of Macau. 科大医院开业以来,从临床教学为起点,我们的诊疗服务一直备受大众认同。
Since the operation the bowel problem has become worse. She has also complained about a lot of tension in her eyes and temples and aching behind her nose. 自从手术后,她的肠问题开始变得更严重。她也抱怨她的眼睛和太阳穴很紧张,而且她的鼻子后面感到疼痛。
Since the operation unit only performs operations of the bits of the effective dynamic range, the circuit corresponding to other bits will not demonstrate switching of power consumption, thereby lowering the overall power consumption. 由于运算单元仅针对有效动态範围的位元数进行运算,因此其馀位元数的对应电路便不会有切换功率消耗及进位动作,使整体功率消耗降低。
Since the owner was a movie producer, his clienteles were the movie stars, singers and celebrities for his late night supper segment. 由于店主是电影制片人,晚上来他这宵夜的客人都是些电影明星、歌手和名人。
Since the page title is used as the window title in the browser, it's also used as the label for that window in the taskbar under Windows, meaning that advanced users will move between multiple windows under the guidance of the first one or two words of e 由于页面标题会显示在浏览器的标题栏,也会显示在任务栏,这意味着那些高级用户会根据任务栏上显示的标题名称的前一二个字来进行窗口切换。

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