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Testing and Applying Theories of War Causation; the Future of War, Solutions to War.

Tester, who need to know what the system is supposed to do so that they can verify that is does it. 测试人员,他们需要知道期望系统实现的功能,以便于它们验证系统是执行这些功能。
Testicular cancer initially presenting as a pathological femoral neck fracture without awareness of a testicular mass after a traffic accident is unusual and misleading. 摘要未发现睾丸肿瘤前,于交通意外后发生病理性股骨颈骨折作爲睾丸癌之表现是少见且易误导的。
Testicular torsions in 17 of patients, epididymitis and/or orchitis in 5 patients, and incarcerated inguinal hernia in 1 patient were found. 术后有17位病人证实为睾丸扭转,有5位病人是副睾和/或睾丸炎,有一位病人是嵌塞性腹股沟疝气。
Testimonials of fear, torture and cruelty succeed one another. 恐惧,折磨和残忍的证明书继任彼此。
Testing amount of quantity qualified conventional missiles in a short time is an objective request in the future battle. 摘要短时间内测试大批量合格的常规导弹是未来作战的客观要求。
Testing and Applying Theories of War Causation; the Future of War, Solutions to War. 28战争因果理论之检证和应用;战争之未来展望及解答。
Testing and cortrolling methods of grinding badness layer of bearings working surface. 轴承工作表面的磨削变质层的检验及控制方法。
Testing equipment and testing method for centrifugal pump was introduced, and experimental steady-state hydraulic performance during changing outletangle was obtained through changing outlet angle and the result was discussed at the end. 摘要介绍了离心泵性能试验的试验装置和试验方法,通过对一台离心泵的试验,给出了水泵在改变其叶轮出口角时各参数的稳态性能曲线,并对其进行了分析。
Testing for:Al,Zn,Ag,Au,Sn,Fe,Cu,Brass,Acrylic vegin,etc. 可测试铝、锌、银、金、锡、钢铁、铜、丙烯酸树脂等多种材料。
Testing helps manufacturers to be sure of a product's quality. 测试帮助制造业者确定产品的质量。
Testing in lab and on-site proved that the ultrasonic phased array system was stable and reliable, and was high value in use. 实验模拟和现场测试证明,该系统稳定可靠,有很高的实用价值。

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