Even assuming that the WZCS's 1,000 core zoos are all of a high standard complete with scientific staff and research facilities, trained and dedicated keepers, accommodation that permits normal or natural behaviour, and a policy of co-operating fully with
即使假设WZCS的1000个核心动物园的是高标准的完善,拥有科学的员工和研究机构,培训和专门的管理人员和住宿条件提供许可正常自然的行为和一个协同操作的制度充分的和另一个潜在的守恒? |
Even at Meridiani, basaltic sands lie atop the lake sediments, indicating that the site has been parched for two billion to three billion years.
甚至在子午线地盘,玄武岩质的沙披覆在湖床沉积物上,显示此地已经乾涸了20~30亿年。 |
Even at aircraft speeds, the time dilation in a typical journey amounts to just a few nanoseconds—hardly an adventure of Wellsian proportions.
就以飞机的速度来算,时间膨胀在一般的飞航旅程中也只有数奈秒而已,比起威尔斯那类的历险来,根本是小巫见大巫了。 |
Even at current subdued levels, it represents barely a week's turnover.
即使是按目前低迷的交易水平衡量,这笔资金也仅相当于一周的交易量。 |
Even at full speed the ship's engines cause very little vibration.
这条船即使全速前进,发动机的震动也很小。 |
Even at his peak, Holyfield wore opponents down with workrate rather than power, although he scored 25 KOs in his 38 wins in a career spanning 20 years.
即使在他的巅峰时期,霍利菲尔德打败对手是依靠出拳频率而不是重拳,在时隔20年的事业中,尽管在他38胜的纪录中,他拥有25次击倒的纪录。 |
Even at home Mandy and Henry spends every moment together. Mandy likes to play the piano. And Henry likes to sing along!
甚至在家里,亨利和曼蒂都是在一起的。曼蒂喜欢弹琴。亨利喜欢在一边唱歌。 |
Even at its estuary, the Yalu River remains clearly visible as its green color is set off by the turbid Yellow Sea.
鸭绿江和黄海的分界线泾渭分明,一边绿色,一边黄色。 |
Even at less than 10mm, this “small” ground beetle larva is a huge and powerful predator to the tiny springtail in its jaws.
这种“小”步行虫的幼虫虽然体长不足10毫米,可对于被它擒在颚中的微小的弹尾虫来说,却是雄伟有力的掠食者。 |
Even at night, my bedroom is not totally dark because my pyjamas glow in the dark.
即使在夜晚,我的卧室不会完全黑压压的。因为我的睡衣会发光。 |
Even at that rate, there is a risk of overload.
哪怕是以这样的速度发展,仍存在超载的危险。 |