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The film studio wants to try out several of the new singers for the part.

The film star was upstaged by his rival at the awards ceremony. 这位影星在颁奖典礼上被他的对手抢了风头。
The film star's engagement with the mayor became the talk of the town. 那个电影明星和市长订婚弄得满城风雨的。
The film stars Emile Hirsch in the leading role of Speed,with Christina Ricci as his girlfriend, Oscar winner Susan Sarandon (Dead Man Walking) and John Goodman (Evan Almighty) as Mom and Pops Racers. 电影明星埃米尔?赫斯基领衔主演“速度”,克里斯蒂娜?里奇是他的女朋友,奥斯卡影后苏珊?萨兰登和马修?福克斯分别饰演妈妈和流行赛车手。
The film starts at 7.30 and lasts two hours. 影片7点30分开演, 演两个小时.
The film starts at five o'clock. 电影将于五点钟开演。
The film studio wants to try out several of the new singers for the part. 电影制片厂要让几名新歌手先试一下这个角色。
The film suddenly jumped from the events of 1920 to those of 1930. 那电影从1920年的事突然跳到1930年的事.
The film tell us a story about how the Chinese policemen have fought against the delitescent spies and brigands with the aid of Chinese people,swept them all out,and finally safeguarded the order of Revolution. 我人民政府公安人员,依靠群众,与潜伏的匪特进行英勇斗争,终于将其一网打尽,巩固了革命秩序。
The film tells a story about a woman named Wu Qionghua, who is a Red Army soldier in Hainan Island survives the revolution and grows into a cadre of the Red Army. 影片描写妇女出身的海南岛红军战士吴琼花在革命斗争环境里锻炼成为一个红军干部的故事。
The film tells how the young wizard, now in his fourth year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, is selected to compete in the Quidditch Triwizard Tournament against older and more experienced students from rival schools. 《哈利·波特与火焰杯》讲述的是哈利·波特在霍格沃兹魔法学校的第4年,如何被选入参加魁地奇三巫斗法大赛的故事。
The film tells us the story that our army crash the rebellion of the upper reactionary elements in Tibet. 描写我军在西藏粉碎上层反动分子叛乱队谋,平息叛乱的斗争故事。

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