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Up to 5 percent of cancerous tissue contains marrow-derived cells that look just like surrounding cancer.

Up to 2 hours of that time may be in various breaks - at least an hour for lunch, a recess (called either recessor break) in the morning, and perhaps another recess in the afternoon too, depending on timetabling constraints. 各种各样的间休加在一起几乎有2个小时,至少在中午有一个小时是吃午饭的时间,除此之外,早上一次间休,或者下午还有另一次间休,当然这些还是要由时间表的具体安排来限制。
Up to 2007 the company owes more than twenty mining rights, which cover over ten resource such as iron, copper, lead, zinc, manganese, nickel, tungsten, stannum, gold, silver, molybdenum, zirconium, titanium, coal and coal seam gas. 截至2007年初公司拥有矿业权数20余个,涉及铁、铜、铅、锌、锰、镍、钨、锡、金、银、钼、锆、钛、煤、煤层气等十几个矿种。
Up to 23% now and rising fast....come on ClutchFans.....let's vote this sucker !! 已经涨到23%了上涨的很快,继续伙计们,让我们来投这个选项.
Up to 30% of patients loose the pancreas with a kidney graft that continues to function. 超过30%的患者丢失胰腺功能但肾功能良好。
Up to 5 percent of cancerous tissue contains marrow-deried cells that look just like surrounding cancer. 包含骨髓来源细胞的癌组织中有多达5%的细胞只是看起来像周围的癌。
Up to 5 percent of cancerous tissue contains marrow-derived cells that look just like surrounding cancer. 包含骨髓来源细胞的癌组织中有多达5%的细胞只是看起来像周围的癌。
Up to 5% of gypsum can be added to cement products. 水泥成品中最多可以添加5%的石膏。
Up to 50% of prisoners on release cannot read or write well enough to hold down a job, and up to 85% of young offenders are functionally illiterate. 多达50%的犯人在释放之后不能阅读或书写一份足以申请工作的信函,并且多达85%的年轻罪犯者是机能上的文盲。
Up to 98 percent of the TV ads promoting food products that were directed at children aged 2 through 11 were high in either fat, sugar, or sodium,wrote Lisa Powell of the University of Illinois in Chicago. 芝加哥伊利诺斯州大学的莉莎?鲍威尔在研究报告中说:“多达98%的、针对两岁至11岁儿童的广告食品‘要么脂肪含量高、要么糖份多或者含盐量高’。”
Up to 99% of accuracy when first sets of plate are setup on the printing machine. 初次上版即可达到99%之准确度,使生产率大大的提高.
Up to 99.9 per cent of all kimchi imports during the period were from China. 这一时期进口的所有泡菜中有99.9%来自中国。

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