Whether DM patients' characteristics were useful in explaining variations of their medical expenses depend upon their behaviors.
3.病患的特质在某些组别的病患来说对于解释医疗费用差异的能力太小,不太具有管理上的意义。 |
Whether Derby remembered Maya island where he lived and the lady who he loved .
不知将来,德比还会不会记得那曾将生活过的美亚岛,和那曾经爱过的姑娘。 |
Whether English young people all have religion, are they voluntary?
英国青年都有宗教信仰吗?是不是自愿的? |
Whether His return is today or 10 years from now is irrelevant since eternity is only a heart beat away for any of us.
不管祂是今天或十年后再来都是无关的,因为我们每一个人随时可能意外而失去对永生的选择。 |
Whether I (the first person singular, here as in the following illustrations, standing for ordinary self-consciousness in everyday life) am viewing the panorama of New York City or whether I become conscious of an inner anxiety, the process of consciousne
我(作为第一人称单数,在以下的例子中都代表日常生活中的自我意识),不论是在看著纽约或是感到焦虑时,参与其中的意识过程都拥有意向性。 |
Whether I take or give, I need to know the difference between the two. It is better to give more and take less.
无论是“拿”还是“给”,要知道它们有什麽不同。给的要多,拿的要少。 |
Whether Legna or waffle weave, thinner towels have a svelte look and lack the visual bulk of plush terry.
不论蕾雅或华夫格织,较薄的毛巾都显得轻巧,不像厚毛巾布看起来那么笨重。 |
Whether Mr Chenault would want to return American Express to the financial supermarketmodel which proved so disastrous for it in the past is another matter.
过去,美国运通的“金融超市”模式已证明是灾难性的,而陈纳德先生是否想让美国运通回归这种模式,那就是另一回事了。 |
Whether US should keep her words to defend Taiwan or not that's definitely a debatable issue (look how Iraq turns out).
我左看又看,什麽国家的读者都有,欧洲和美国就不用说了,还有日、韩、澳洲,中国甚至马来西亚,就是没有台湾人去回应。 |
Whether a big gun is an offensive or a defensive weapon is a difficult question; it depends on whether you're behind it or in front of it.
大炮是攻击性还是防御性是个困难的问题,端看你是在它后面还是前面。 |
Whether a blockbuster film, a bestselling novel, or a chart-topping rap song, popular culture idolises the hit.
无论是一部轰动性的电影,一本热卖的销售,还是一首高居榜首的饶舌歌曲,流行文化都将卖座视作首位。 |