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The world of delusion originates within the mind.

The world of Nocturne was a harsh, volcanic place, a land of rocky crags and soaring, basalt mountains with little to offer its early colonists save the riches of its vast mineral deposits. 那克土恩是荒凉的,裹挟着巨石和悬崖,以及大片的火山地带,远古时期形成的玄武岩成为了殖民地的主要开采源。
The world of Werewolf is not our own, although it resembles our world in many ways. 狼人的世界不是现实,尽管很多地方看起来满像的。
The world of a young housewife is turned upside down when she has an affair with a free-spirited blouse salesman. 当一个年轻的家庭主妇爱上一个自由英勇的推销员,她的世界开始变的混乱。
The world of achievement has always belonged to the optimist. 成功的世界永远属于乐观主义者.
The world of celebrity is peopled by psycho fans and fame hags,the book says, and is best treated with caution. 名流世界充斥着“心理学粉丝和名望女巫”,书上说:你最好小心行事。
The world of delusion originates within the mind. 妄想的世界源自里面的心。
The world of mental life is as much a unified system as the world of gross matter. 精神生活世界是同物质世界一样的统一体系。
The world of microprocessors and CPUs can be divided into two parts: complex instruction set computers using CISC processors and reduced instruction set computers with RISC processors. 微处理器的世界分为两部分:使用CISC(复杂指令集计算机)芯片的复杂指令集计算机,以及使用RISC(精简指令集计算机)芯片的精简指令集计算机。
The world of modern electronics is also full of light-emitting materials. 现代电子产品的世界里,也同样充斥著发光的物质。
The world of officialdom will appear to be in control, actively responding to needs and crises as they arise. 政府部门将有能力掌控局面,当危机和需要到来之时,积极应对。
The world of the werewolves is harsh, yet this harshness provides contrast to great acts of sacrifice and heroism. 狼人世界是严苛的,即使这样的严苛孕育了伟大的牺牲精神和英雄主义。

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