His student was excited now.
他的学生现在有些激动。 |
His study habits don't apply to you.
他的学习习惯不适合你。 |
His study is a chaos: his house keeper has long since given up trying to put his papers in order.
他的书房乱七八糟,他的管家早已放弃为他整理文件了。 |
His study with George Russell and Douglas Hyde of Irish legends and tales was published in 1888 under the title Fairy and Folk Tales of the Irish Peasantry.
1888年,他和乔治.罗素,道格拉斯.海德共同研究爱尔兰传说故事的成果《爱尔兰神话和民间故事》一书问世。 |
His study, judging by the crumbs on the carpet, was also his dining-room.
从那些散落在地毯上的点心碎屑,可以看出他的书房也是他的饭厅。 |
His stupidity is proverbial.
他其蠢无比是人所共知的. |
His style is a nonstop adventure where no one has to worry about washing their hands, eating vegetables, or getting cavities.
他的风格是持续不断的探险,在这过程中,没有人需要操心孩子是不是洗手了,是不是吃蔬菜了,或者会不会长蛀牙。 |
His style is a slavish imitation of his teacher's.
他一味模仿教师的风格,毫无创意。 |
His style is at times droll, satirical, yet sympathetic.
他的写作风格时而滑稽,时而讽刺,有时又饱含同情。 |
His style is modeled after Shakespeare.
他的文风是模仿莎士比亚的。 |
His style is not polished but very serious and well calculated to achieve the thematic ends he sough.
他的写作风格虽显粗糙,但内容严肃,与表现主题十分相符。 |