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Hamid : The high wind last night loosened a couple of the tiles. We could get a leak if it rains really heavily. We'll have to get it fixed.

Hamburgers and hot dogs are perhaps the best known American foods. 汉堡包和热狗也许是最著名的美国食品了。
Hamburgers, sandwiches, hot dog, pizzas, coke, etc. 汉堡包,三明治,热狗,比萨饼,可乐等。
Hamel and Prahalad describe how Kamatsu's thirty-year strategy to overtake Caterpillar consisted of a series of almost annual targets. 哈默尔和普拉德描述小松30年战胜卡特彼勒的战略,它包括一系列目标,几乎每年都有。
Hamelessly copying a couple of solid action strategy games wasn't the worst move Jamdat could have made, as the end result is a very enjoyable game. 作为反恐题材的游戏,《海豹突击队:移动侦察》不仅拥有良好的图像表现,而且可以为队伍制定作战方案。这无疑提高了游戏性和可玩性。
Hamermesh and Parker say the biggest question arising from their research is whether students are discriminating against less-attractive professors or whether they actually learn less from them. 汉默麦希和帕克说他们研究中发现的最大的问题是:学生们到底是歧视长相不够好看的教授,还是确实从他们那里学到的东西比较少。
Hamid : The high wind last night loosened a couple of the tiles. We could get a leak if it rains really heavily. We'll have to get it fixed. 哈米德:昨夜的强风,把几片瓦掀起了。假如下大雨,恐怕会漏水,必须请人修理。
Hamilton M.A rating scale for depression.J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 1960;23:5662. 翁史旻,赵靖平.米氮平与氟西汀抑郁症的多中心对照[J].中国新药与临床杂志,2001,20:329.
Hamilton Sundstrand Industrial (Shanghai)Co.Ltd is wholly owned by American Hamilton-Sundstrand Company,which is the parent company of MILTON ROY and Sundyne.HSIS\'s business scope is to design and manufacture high performance MILTON ROY Metering pumps an 汉胜工业设备(上海)有限公司是米顿罗及胜达因之母公司美国汉胜公司在上海设立的独资企业,专业设计生产米顿罗高性能计量泵及胜达因高性能无泄漏磁力泵。
Hamilton Watch Company introduces the first electric watch on January 3. 1957年1月3日,汉弥顿表厂推出第一只电子表。
Hamilton's Mclaren was eventually lifted back onto the track by a crane but the rookie rejoined the race at the back of the field, a lap behind and with too much ground to make up. 汉密尔顿的麦凯伦赛车最终被吊车吊回了赛道,但重新回到赛场后,他已落后一圈,需要追回太多的路程。
Hamilton's performances have won him so much attention that people in the paddock are now wondering if he could step straight into a full Formula One drive with McLaren next year. 汉密尔顿的表现为他赢得了太多的关注,以至于现在围场中的人们都认为他很可能明年将直接升级成为迈凯轮的一名全职一级方程式车手。

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