The most common reasons for reoperations include cosmetic concerns, capsular contracture, and rupture.
最常见的原因包括美容手术的关切,包膜挛缩、破裂. |
The most common recurrent period was within 2 years after surgical resection.
通常肺癌病人手术后复发多发生在手术后的前一,二年之内最容易见到。 |
The most common response of tourists faced with the poverty-stricken is to ignore them and focus their eyes elsewhere.
面对穷人最常见的回应是不理睬,还有转移注意力。 |
The most common side effects associated with Rogaine use are itching, scaling and irritation. Since Rogaine is a topical solution, systemic side effects are only infrequently observed.
伴随落建的使用,最普遍的副作用表现为头皮氧,头皮屑增加和皮炎。因为落建是外用溶液药,全身的副作用很少被观测到。 |
The most common sign described has been swelling, include associated pain, rapid growth, trismus and dysphonia.
其主要的徵状为颚骨及颜面的肿胀伴随疼痛并有生长快速、牙关紧闭甚至焦虑不安等情形。 |
The most common site of subperiosteal hemorrhage is the orbital roof.
它的位置几乎上都是在眼窝顶处。 |
The most common solution to this problem is to spay the female.
对于这种疾病,最常见的解决办法就是切除母猫的卵巢。 |
The most common tissue element of these teratomas is skin, so large amounts of hair and sebum are produced, leading to a challenging cleanup problem in surgical pathology following dissection of these tumors.
畸胎瘤的大多数共同组织成分是皮肤,大量的毛发和皮脂,导致外科病理学上切开后难以清除干净。 |
The most common type of misuse occcurs when the patent holder uses the patent to violate the antitrust laws.
最常见的滥用专利权常发生在专利权人利用其专利违反反垄断法的时候。 |
The most common type of misuse occurs when the patent holder uses the patent to violate the antitrust laws.
最常见的滥用专利权常发生在专利权人利用其专利违反反垄断法的时候。 |
The most common types of derivatives are futures, options, warrants and convertible bonds.
最常见的衍生商品有期货、选择权、认股凭证和可转换债券。 |