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Next, the subscript expression is evaluated.

Next, the rest of the white team attaches their prusiks (or ascenders) to the black team's rope, so there are now four people in position to haul. 接着,其他的白队队员用普鲁士结(或上升器)连接上黑队的结组绳,这时一共有4名队员处在拖曳位置。
Next, the robots need to track their location precisely and find the road (if there is one) as well as any obstacles in their way. 接下来,机器人必须精确追踪自己的位置,找出道路(如果有的话),并且侦测出沿途的任何障碍。
Next, the scheduler selects the first task in the list at that priority. 然后,调度程序选择这个级别链表里的头一个进程。
Next, the second member gets the chalk and goes to the board and the teacher calls out a new letter. 接着,第二个同学拿粉笔到黑板前,老师说一个新的字母。
Next, the skin is gently freed from the underlying tissue. This will allow the skin to be re-draped to hood the clitoris and create the labia minora. 接下来,轻轻的把表皮和下面的皮层组织分离,这样,表皮重新摺叠后,覆盖过阴蒂,并制造出大阴唇。
Next, the subscript expression is evaluated. 接着,下标表达式被求值。
Next, the temporal interpretation of data inside services and outside services is explored. 下一步,是关于服务内外部数据的短暂研究。
Next, the user must deduce that the buttons below the list affect its contents. 接着,用户会推测下面的按钮可以用来影响列表中的内容。
Next, there is variation in what to call things. 其次,在怎么称呼事务上有变化。
Next, use a hard-edged brush to paint away areas you don't want to smooth, like eyes, eye lashes, outline of the nose, lips, and other skin creases etc. 再次进入快速蒙版,用硬边白色画笔涂掉你不想模糊的地方,例如:眼睛,眼睫毛,鼻子的轮廓,嘴唇和其它的皮肤褶皱,等等。
Next, we shall play a game (do some exercise, etc. 下面,我们做个游戏(练习等等)。

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