I saw myself, in dream, a youth, almost a boy, in a low-pitched wooden church. The slim wax candles gleamed, spots of red, before the old pictures of the saints. |
中文意思: 我在梦中见到自己,一个青年,甚至是个男孩,在一个低调的木制教堂里.在圣者的旧像前面,细高的蜡烛闪着微光,点点红色. |
I saw many old inventions on show.
我看到了许多古老的发明物在展览。 |
I saw many people at the dance.
我在舞会上见到了许多人。 |
I saw my life more as a card that had been dealt to me and I tried to make the most of it.
我把它当作发到自己手里的一张牌,我所做的努力是要让这张牌发挥出它最大的用处。 |
I saw my mother holding that costly box in her delicate hands on the bed which they were used many years in their room.
我发现母亲在他们的房间里——在他们共枕多年的床上,用她那双纤弱的手捧着那个珍贵的盒子。 |
I saw my mother's pained face for the first time in years—warm, tired brown eyes filled wITh nothing but thanks for her daughter's rebirth of life and love for the child she waITed 38 years to bear.
多年来,我第一次看清了母亲痛苦的面孔,她温暖、疲惫的棕色眼睛中充满了对女儿新生的感激和对她等了38年才怀上的女儿的爱。 |
I saw myself, in dream, a youth, almost a boy, in a low-pitched wooden church. The slim wax candles gleamed, spots of red, before the old pictures of the saints.
我在梦中见到自己,一个青年,甚至是个男孩,在一个低调的木制教堂里.在圣者的旧像前面,细高的蜡烛闪着微光,点点红色. |
I saw not Tom bud Mary in the street this morning.
今天早上我在街上碰到的不是汤姆而是玛丽。 |
I saw old Henry going home with the blind staggers as usual.
我看见亨利老汉又像往日一样摇摇晃晃地走回家去了。 |
I saw on ballplayer, no race horse.
我的一个朋友见过一位并告诉我关于他的事。 |
I saw several boys cruising the street.
我看见几个男孩徘徊于街头。 |
I saw several houses with mosaic floors and wall paintings.
我看了好几间地上铺着马赛克地板、墙上绘有壁画的房子。 |