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0 min after infusion, the amplitude of somato sensory evoked potential (SEP) increases by more than 0%.
体感诱发电位在灌注后 0min时 ,其幅度超过灌注前 0 % .

The tractus olfactorius is shown in divergent double pairs. 嗅束分裂为二对,其形态可能为一种古老的情况。
Uniting out the conic curves equations, calculating out the value of A, B, C, D, E and F. 联立成二次曲线系方程,计算出二次曲线方程的A,B,C,D,E,F的值;
Weigert’s staining showed: A large number of blue fifiform ball microthrombi could be seen in TAA group, microthrombi in TAA+RH group significantly reduced (vs TAA group, p<0.0). Weigert氏染色显示:TAA组见大量蓝色丝团状微血栓,TAA+RH组微血栓数明显减少(P<0.0)。
0 cases of primary liver cancer were treated by a total of times of intra-hepatic artery injection of myodil and anticancer drugs. 碘苯酯加抗癌药栓塞治疗 0例(次)原发性肝癌。
0 days later, the turtles were blooded, and the phagocytic activity of the leucocytes, serum lysozyme activity, complement activity and disease resistance were monitored. 投喂 0 d后,从每组中各取0只中华鳖幼鳖采血,测定了中华鳖幼鳖血液中白细胞的吞噬活性、血清中溶菌酶和补体活性;
0 min after infusion, the amplitude of somato sensory evoked potential (SEP) increases by more than 0%. 体感诱发电位在灌注后 0min时 ,其幅度超过灌注前 0 % .
MSK SAW Tapped Delay Line 声表面波 位MSK抽头延迟线
cases ( .9%) had clouded shadows; 出现云雾状及磨玻璃状阴影 例( % ) ;
species are for young leaf and browse, 0 for stem, 0 for rhizome, 0 for flower and 8 for seed or fruit. 食用嫩叶或嫩茎叶类的物种有 种,茎类0种,地下根茎类0种,花类0种,果实种子类8种。
children of hyperkinetic syndrome were treated by ear-points application with cowherb seed. 用王不留行子耳压治疗儿童多动症 例。
cases lengthening of Tendo-Achilles chiefly for correcting the equinus deformity were summarized. 本文总结 例次跟腱术,主要纠正蹠屈畸形,采用white法0次,最大延长 cm;

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