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This paper studies the origin,development and clinical application of “bitter apricot kernel” for “apricot kernel”,and concludes that “bitter apricot kernel” should be replaced by “apricot kernel”.

Effects of Intraarticular Injection of Hyaluronidase and Triamcinolone Acetonide on Experimental Adhesion Induced by Soft Tissues Injury; 透明质酸酶和曲安奈德局部用药对软组织损伤性粘连的影响
Simultaneous Determination of Zinc, Cadmium, Lead and Copper in Blood from Cancerous Patients by Differential Pulse Anodic Stripping Voltammetry; 同时测定癌症病人血液中锌镉铅铜的微分脉冲阳极溶出伏安法
By using the factorization of meromorphic functions and the growth estimation of the modual,we obtain precise estimation of the order of growth and hyper-order of solutions of the equations. 通过应用亚纯函数的分解和模的增长估计,得到了该类方程解的级及其超级的精确估计。
PET/nano BaSO4composites were manufactured by melt blending process. 通过熔融共混法制备聚对苯二甲酸乙二酯(PET)/纳米BaSO4复合材料,研究了纳米BaSO4对PET结晶行为、力学性能及热性能的影响。
Clinical researches and literature have showed that Xiaoke results from yin deficiency and dryness heat in symptoms, and from kidney yang insufficiency in root, so yang warming therapy is an essential method in the treatment of Xiaoke. 通过临床观察及古今文献研究 ,认为消渴病的病机当以阴虚燥热为标 ,肾气 (阳 )虚为本 ,温阳法治疗消渴病为治本之法 ,临床有明显疗效。
This paper studies the origin,development and clinical application of “bitter apricot kernel” for “apricot kernel”,and concludes that “bitter apricot kernel” should be replaced by “apricot kernel”. 通过考释“苦杏仁”与“杏仁”的源流,发现现代有关中药著作及《药典》中“苦杏仁”既未遵照古代主要本草命名传统,也未参考临床用药习惯,其命名欠妥,建议应以“杏仁”作为正名。
Yeast has been validated as a model organism to investigate mechanisms of apoptosis. 综述了酵母作为凋亡研究模式生物的可行性和独特的优势,其应用前景、存在的瓶颈问题及可能的解决方案。
Research on REM of a novel CB/TPE matrix tactile composite under uniaxial compressive stress; 轴向正压力作用下新型触觉复合材料电阻机械效应研究
The gene disruption cassette combined the het- erologous dominant kanr resistance marker with a Cre/loxP-mediated marker removal procedure. 重组质粒pSH-CUP的构建,不仅解决了酵母转化子筛选标记问题和非酵母基因的引入,而且使LoxP-kanMX-loxP基因敲除体系在进行真核生物基因敲除时更加方便可行。
Effects of Plant Growth Regulator on the Development of Arabidopsis thaliana; 植物生长调节剂对拟南芥菜生长发育的影响
The embryonic implantation is the complicated immune tolerance of matrix-fetus. 在胚胎着床过程中,母体复杂的免疫应答和免疫调节的结果是母体对胚胎这种半同种异体产生免疫耐受。

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