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As a daily vehicle,charry was superseded by automobile.

As a creator of the box-office myth, he creates a value not only staying on the popularitybut also embodying in the aesthetic, artistic vista This essay, by analysis of the social background and historical context of his works, and from the perspective of 通过分析许冠文作品产生的香港社会背景和历史语境,并从社会学的角度对许冠文电影的时代价值、美学风格及其在香港电影界和香港社会文化层面的重要地位进行探讨,可以较全面较深入地了解许冠文电影以及与之有关的香港喜剧电影的文化意义。
As a cub reporter he would learn the facts of life in the newspaper world. 作为一名初出茅庐的记者,他要了解报界生涯的内幕。
As a curator, Ye Yongqing reflects upon the cultural context while re-interpreting the different angles of art pieces. 叶永青在他策划的诸多的展览里,都可以看出他透过艺术作品所呈现的语境对自身文化的多视角的重新检讨。
As a customer, I felt valued. 作为顾客,我确实感到受到了重视。
As a cut example of a successfully working controlling programme we can mention TV NOVA. 如成功运转控制程序一个切入的例子我们可以提到电视新星。
As a daily vehicle,charry was superseded by automobile. 汽车已经取代马车成为日常的交通工具。
As a dancer, he is second to none. 他的舞艺无出其右.
As a dancer, she's not much better. 而作为一名舞者,她也强不到哪里去。
As a data bank for special use, the learner corpus serving as a washback on teachers and learners exerts an active impact upon teaching and learning. 作为一种专用语料库,学习者语料库对学习者的语言学习和教师的外语教学可以起到积极的反拨作用。
As a decision maker of a company,what those who play a leading role want is such kind of furniture,based on project taking into account every operating need,both functional and high quality image,set upholstered leather and real wood. 身为公司决策人,高层领导所需要的办公家具,不仅需具备功能性,更要有最高的品质与形象,而原木与真皮正可以表现出这样的威信。
As a dedication female, comparing with whole family, I'm not important. 作为一位奉献型的女性,与整个家庭相比,我不重要。

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